• i just need to know how to install themes downloaded from other website ……… i have the wordpress themes as a folder ….pls help me with it

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  • Upload the zip file to /wp-content/themes/ and unzip it.

    Moderator t-p


    place it in the themes (/wp-content/themes/) directory,

    and activate it via Admin – Appearance – Themes

    Hi mate.

    Go to you server. then go to (/wp-content/themes/)pot the folder of the template there unzip it and go to your Admin panel in WP press


    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    I have the same problem. I put the files into the theme/ folder, but when I go to the Admin panel, the theme doesn’t appear as an option; no way to activate it. What could be the problem?

    Admin -> Appearance -> Themes -> Upload

    Upload the zip, and that should be it!

    [Signature removed by moderator per forum rules.]

    p.s. Sorry about the confusion – I saw your previous topic in regards to the similar issue. I promise you WordPress is awesome! This is just a bit of a speed bump…

    Connor: I tried that, but it didn’t work. I got the confirmation that the theme installed and the files are showing in the themes folder, but it still isn’t showing up in the template menu.

    What I am really trying to do is just install a single custome template page and not a full theme.

    I have WordPress 3.0.1 that I downloaded for free. I am developing offline, although I have apache running on my laptop. Is there a full-version that I would have to purchase? I can’t figure out why it isn’t working.

    Just to clarify – you haven’t changed the Site URL and such in the Admin settings (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, then it’s probably a No)? I would delete the stuff you already have in the /themes folder on the server, and try again. There may be a conflict there…

    This is weird. It’s never happened to me. I’ve had problems unzipping and just throwing it on the server, but when I actually login and go to Admin -> Appearance -> Themes -> upload and upload it, it always works. I’m sorry to hear this…

    I had the same problem. It looks like if you’re already logged in when you manually install the new theme, you need to log out and then back in to force a reread of the themes directory. This isn’t necessary, of course, when you install a theme from within WordPress admin.

    How in the world do you people get these things done? I’ve for the past days been reading everything there is everywhere and I still cant figure out how to install my theme. One talks about wp-content>theme in ftp as if it is easy to do, another Appearence>Themes>upload (which will never work), some say activate the theme (which theme I cant see)… Then there those who say follow the theme designers instructions who is telling brand new things. Uhh! what is going on?
    Wordpress is pressing me!!!
    I have a Host,
    I have a downloaded theme Zip and Unzip format,
    I have WordPress v3.2.1 in Zip and Unzip format,
    Now, what can I do with them before I surrender?

    Ihave the same problem.
    Local host running on my PC. The inkluded themes functions well, and if I download a theme through the theme menu>install themes it works.
    But I hav purchased a theme from mysite “inFocus”, downloaded it and put the inFocus folder in the wp-content>themes folder.
    The theme newe shows up in the WP theme menu.
    Can somebody solve this problem for me???

    I see this topic was started 9 months ago. I’m having the same problem everyone else is having. I hope someone has a solution by now. I’ve uploaded the zip file to a shared hosting server (Hostgator). The zip file is in my wp-content/themes folder and I unzipped it. When I went to my Administration Panel the theme was not among the themes available to be selected.

    I’m working with a multi-site installation.

    Thanks for any help you can provide,

    I am having the same problem and I am incredibly frustrated. I’ve been trying and retryng exactly as the instructions say, yet it fails. I’m praying someone can give us a solution…

    Sarahjd where did you get the template? Sometimes templates from places like themeforest, elegantthemes etc. Have a folder inside a folder that is the template.

    This is fanaticjim,

    I got my Theme from the www.remarpro.com themes.


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