• i have uploaded the plugins in to wp-content/plugins directory as it is as zip file..but it is not showing the enable option in my admin settings..please tell me how to solve this

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  • unzip first, then upload ??

    I have uploaded the wordpress stats plugin. I did just as it said to and put it in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/stats.1.3.2/stats.php and it is not showing up in my “manage plugins” page. Need some help on as to what is wrong. Thanks

    first unzip the compressed file.
    Then open the decompressed file , you will find another file inside with the plugin name. Now transfer that file to ur plugins directory.

    I have unzipped the file and loaded it, it is showing as a file right under the akismet file in my filezilla client but when I go to my manage plugin page it is not there.

    you reallllllllllllllllly need to look into new hosting if your site loads that slow all of the time, lissa

    as for using that particular plugin, did you look at the readme?


    == Installation ==

    Installing should be a piece of cake and take fewer than five minutes.

    1. Upload stats.php to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    1. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    1. It will ask you to enter your WordPress.com API key, do so.
    1. Sit back and wait a few minutes for your stats to come rolling in.

    ya,,,thats what iam tryin to tell u….
    dont straight away transfer the unzipped file….there is another file inside the unzipped file ,tranfer that file only .

    Thanks, I have no problem loading my site, it loads pretty quick for me, I’m not sure why it was loading slow for you. I will check into that. I did read the readme.txt and I thought it would be a piece of cake but something is still not right. I’m so confused!

    Upload stats.php to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

    you have NOT done that.

    LOOK at where your stats.php is.

    When you have done that, there will be a file named stats.php visible here:


    btw, the site seems to be loading better for me; it must have been a momentary hiccup. Im at work, and since I work for a host/ISP its very infrequent for *anything* to be slow for me. Anyway, it seems to be better.

    Thank you so much for your help and patience. It is finally on my manage plugin page. Im glad my page is loading better, I hope there wont be any more slowdowns. Again, thanks soooo much!!

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