How to install MicroShop
Hello ??
I won’t ask if you know a good plugin to do a shop on wordpress. I’ve already tried them all, except MicroShop. Since RedAlt has crashed, I found the lastest version of MicroShop somewhere but the zip doesn’t include any instruction.
Normally I would try e-Commerce lite but I don’t really like, morever I’ve modifed a couple of files but couldn’t find the one that would let me change the colors and the feel… So I’m asking, do someone remember or have the instruction for MicroShop ?
Thanks ??
From Owen Winklers site via the Wayback machine:
Purpose of MicroshopMicroshop is a nifty little shopping cart script that can stand alone or integrate quite nicely with WordPress using the built-in Page Template feature of WordPress.
Installing MicroshopREQUIRED for Microshop to run: PHP enabled server and a MySQL database.
Download and unzip the file.
Now, in the folder you just unzipped you will see several files:
* images (folder)
* images/noimage.gif (default image)
* index.php
* microlib.php
* microshop.css
* shop.phpThe images folder can be named whatever you would like, the same with the css file – you will specify what their names are during installation.
You can also rename the index.php file to somethingelse.php or whatever.
Now, upload all of the required files to the same folder where you intend to install.
Create a blank php file and name it whatever you renamed your index file (if applicable) then .cfg.php. So if you have not renamed the index file, then this file would be index.cfg.php. Upload it to the same folder you did the others. This file must be writeable on your server – it is where MicroShop stores its config info.
From here on out, the index.php file will be referred to as index.php, if you renamed it, keep that in mind.
Navigate to your index.php, you will be presented with the installation page with the following fields:
Name of Shop
This is self-explanatory. Put the name of your online shop here. The title will appear at the top of most pages.
Use the WordPress Database Settings
This is a true or false option. If you choose true, Microshop will pull the database information from your WordPress installation and you can skip fields that are marked with an asterisk. If false, you will need to enter this information here.
The minimum WordPress user level…
If you have other authors of your WP installation, do you want them to be able to make changes to your shop? If not, be sure you set this number high enough that only you as admin can edit. On WordPress 1.6, user levels have been replaced with roles and capabilities, which are also supported by MicroShop.
The password used to change options and add products
The password you want for editing the shop! If you use WordPress details (second option) then your password will be the same as your WP admin password.
The database information
if you don’t know the answer to these, you should contact your host for help. The database server, username, password, and database name
Include HTML page wrapper
another true or false question. If true, then Microshop will have its own header and body codes, etc. If false, then it won’t. Tip, if you are using Microshop as stand alone, then choose true, if you plan to include it into your WP installation with EzStatic, then say false.
The prefix used on Microshop database tables
The prefix before your tables in the database, by default is ms_. Therefore, your tables would be named ms_orders and ms_products
The URL of the directory that contains product images
By default this is ‘images’ but if you renamed it, specify it here. You can also have a subfolder such as images/myshop, etc.
The URL of the shopping cart CSS file
Same as above, if you renamed the microshop.css to something else, put that filename here.
The number of products to show per page in each product category
Self explanatory, do you want 5 or 10 or 50 items per page?
Show the shopping cart after adding an item
true or false:When a visitor adds an item to their shopping cart, do you want to take them directly there or back to their current page?
The PayPal email to which payments are sent
Enter your PayPal address here
Make this empty to use actual PayPal…
By default, MicroShop tries to use the PayPal Sandbox – a place to test transaction processing. If you make this field blank, actual money-using PayPal will be used.
The zipcode (US) of where you will be shipping items from
This is for estimating shipping by UPS.
Message to display on checkout page
Enter your message here, there’s a default message in there that might give you some ideas.
The three-letter curency code
Set this to the currency code appropriate for your shop. MicroShop will use that code to send prices to PayPal.
Message to display on checkout page
This is the message that customers will see on the checkout page.
Location for payments other than PayPal (mailing checks, etc)
Your address!
Send a copy of each invoice to the PayPal address
True or False – Would you like to receive a copy of the invoice sent to your customer?Now, click the “commit changes” button.
If your installation was successful, you should see this message above the installation page:
Database Upgrades
– Created table ms_products
– Created table ms_ordersYou can now click on the return to control panel link to get started.
Using a WordPress Page TemplateThe MicroShop archive includes a file named shop.php. This file is a Page Template that can be used to output your shop inside a WordPress Page.
To use it:
* Copy the shop.php file into your current theme directory (/wp-content/themes/current_theme)
* Create a new Page from the WordPress admin
* Set the Page Template dropdown to \\\”Shop\\\”
* Save the pageThe shop should now appear inside the Page you have created.
Adding ProductsFirst things first, you need to find the control panel. The location of the control panel is your index.php followed by ?action=panel. Or if you are using the page template, append ?action=panel to the URL for your Page.
You’ll need to log-in.
If you opted to use this as a stand alone script, you will just need to enter the password you gave during installation, you can ignore the username section. If you are using this with WordPress, you’ll need both your WordPress username and password.Once logged in, you have a menu:
* Change Configuration (takes you to the page we just went over, the installation page)
* Add Product
* View Orders
* View the Shop (takes you to the shop itself, what your visitors see)Let’s click on Add Product to get started.
* Item Name – simple enough, the item name the visitor sees
* Item SKU – has to be a unique number or letter or combination thereof. You can opt to auto generate this if you are out of ideas.
* Category – the first time, you will need to select \\\”new.\\\” You should get a Javascript dialog box asking you for the name of the category. After the first time, that category will be available for future use, or you can still create new ones. A category cannot exist if you delete all the products out of it.
* Description – description of your item, c’mon, sell it to your visitors!
* Price – how much are you selling it for?
* Shipping – this is a per item cost for USPS shipping
* In Stock – check the box if you have the item ready to go now or leave it blank if it’s currently out of stock
* Product Image URL – enter only the name of the image since you already specified the images folder during installation. Don’t have an image? Enter noimage.gif to use the default image (provided you uploaded it).Then click “Add Item.”
Updating ProductsIf you are logged into your shop, upon visiting it there are links near the description that you can use to edit the item.
Clicking “toggle stock status” will change your item from in stock to out of stock or the other way around.
Viewing OrdersIn your admin panel, click on “View Orders.”
The orders shown on the first page are only the ones you have marked as “paid.” To view all orders, select “All.”
You can click on a transaction number (auto generated) to view the order in more detail and to change its status.
maybefrench, please let us know how this turns out. (and perhaps where you found the file, maybe? :))
I am looking at integrating a shop into a WP install now, and have not cared for any of the other solutions posted here.
i was wondering if someone had the plugin, and if they can send me the link or the file itself… hope someone replies.. ??
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