Regarding the 10, 3
at the end: the WordPress function add_filter()
lets you hook your custom code into specific spots throughout the codebase. There are 4 parameters to that function:
1. the name of the filter hook
2. your function to execute (callback)
3. the priority of your function (in case there are other functions also hooked into the same hook)
4. how many parameters your function in #2 accepts
So the 10
is the priority (10 is the default; in our case here it doesn’t really matter whether our functions runs before or after other ones, since we’re just replacing some text. In the past I’ve used the predefined constant PHP_INT_MIN
to ensure that my code runs before anything else that might be hooked into the same hook, and PHP_INT_MAX
to ensure that my code runs after anything else).
And finally the 3
is number of parameters to our custom function ($content, $inserted_page, $attributes
In the documentation above you may have noticed that those last 2 params default to 10
and 1
respectively, so if your hook only has 1 parameter (or you only need to access the first parameter of the hook), and you don’t care about which order it runs, then you can leave them off and just use those defaults! (That’s what I did in my first code sample above.)
Note: newer versions of PHP allow you to pass entire functions as parameters to other functions. So that’s what we’re seeing with the more consise way of just writing the whole function within the filter hook instead of declaring it separately. (If you’re familiar with Javascript, you see this convention more often there.) More traditionally you might have seen it written like so:
function whatever_function_name_you_want( $content, $inserted_page, $attributes ) {
add_filter( 'insert_pages_wrap_content', 'whatever_function_name_you_want', 10, 3 );