Thank you for your response.
Yes I tried the Text method but the html code doesn’t display properly at all.
How can I be sure the remote content add-on will display it well this way. The html code is pretty big, more than 1MB of data
The code is created by the Twine project
And outputs something like this :
!important}[data-t8n^=flicker].transition-in{animation:flicker .8s}[data-t8n^=flicker].transition-out{animation:flicker .8s reverse}
<tw-story><noscript><tw-noscript>JavaScript needs to be enabled to play Excelerate.</tw-noscript></noscript></tw-story>
<tw-storydata name=”Excelerate” startnode=”1″ creator=”Twine” creator-version=”2.3.13″ ifid=”5E11D4F7-2A93-40B2-BD33-47006818B492″ zoom=”0.6″ format=”Harlowe” format-version=”3.2.1″ options=”” hidden><style role=”stylesheet” id=”twine-user-stylesheet” type=”text/twine-css”></style><script role=”script” id=”twine-user-