• I’m trying to reproduce this Masonry to show a gallery. I created a CPT for this. “CPT – Gallery”.

    First, I thought of creating a Custom Post Type to publish all images together.

    MY CPT:

    —>>> title <<<—
    —>>> image default – thumbnail <<<—
    —>>> cotent <<<—

    The first three sections (title, image default and content) is the basics. Is ready.

    After, I thought about using custom metabox and add each image URL. However, add url by url is nothing intuitive and a lot more work for the user, be it newbie or advanced. Furthermore, the amount will vary pictures can be 1, may be 5 may be 10 and so on….

    I saw that there is a plugin for wordpress, but the plugin not is full width and when I set the css of plugin to be full width, the Mansory gets several bugs in the viewport resize.

    Noting the functioning of the plugin and your code, I saw that in each post, the plugin uses the own gallery of wordpress editor. It take the generated shortcode (inside of the_content();) and displays the images within the Mansory classes.

    I’m trying to do this, but without success.

    **Anyway, what I want to do?**

    ->Catch the shortcode of wordpress gallery and display each image within the divs of my masonry <-

    Example logical:
    Shortcode of gallery: [gallery ids="1,2,3,4,5,6"]

    …. I take each image and display in the loop ….

    Practical example:

    Here I execute the loop with the divs of masonry.

    $args = array( ‘post_type’ => ‘gallery’, ‘showposts’ => 1 );
    $wp_query = new WP_Query($args);
    while ($wp_query -> have_posts()) : $wp_query -> the_post();

    <div class=”item”>
    <figure style=”margin: 0px !important” itemprop=”associatedMedia” itemscope itemtype=”https://schema.org/ImageObject”&gt;
    <a href=”<?php IMAGE 1 OF GALLERY WP; ?>” itemprop=”contentUrl” data-size=”1800×1200″ data-index=”0″>
    <img src=”<?php IMAGE 1 OF GALLERY WP; ?>” class=”image” itemprop=”thumbnail” alt=””>
    </div> `

    With the loop will appears all imagens in gallery.

    `<div class=”item”>
    <figure style=”margin: 0px !important” itemprop=”associatedMedia” itemscope itemtype=”https://schema.org/ImageObject”&gt;
    <a href=”<?php IMAGE 2 OF GALLERY WP; ?>” itemprop=”contentUrl” data-size=”1800×1200″ data-index=”0″>
    <img src=”<?php IMAGE 2 OF GALLERY WP; ?>” class=”image” itemprop=”thumbnail” alt=””>

    <div class=”item”>
    <figure style=”margin: 0px !important” itemprop=”associatedMedia” itemscope itemtype=”https://schema.org/ImageObject”&gt;
    <a href=”<?php IMAGE 3 OF GALLERY WP; ?>” itemprop=”contentUrl” data-size=”1800×1200″ data-index=”0″>
    <img src=”<?php IMAGE 3 OF GALLERY WP; ?>” class=”image” itemprop=”thumbnail” alt=””>

    and so on…..

    How I can do this?

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