Thank you for contacting us.
In order to generate pdf/print version of the page, PDF & Print plugin uses the content that is featured in the body of post/page before it is displayed by the browser (i.e. the data featured in the main block on this post/page in the edit mode).
Unfortunately, we cannot provide the compatibility with each and every WP plugins, but we made it possible for all user to customize it.
If you have programming skills, then you will cope with adding the necessary content to be displayed in pdf.
To add the custom content, please use ‘bwsplgns_get_pdf_print_content’ hook:
1) Go to the plugin settings page;
2) Open “Custom code” tab, mark “Activate” checkbox in the “Editing bws-custom-code.php” section;
3) Add the following code (as example):
function get_pdf_print_content( $content ) {
return $content . 'Hello, world';
add_filter( 'bwsplgns_get_pdf_print_content', 'get_pdf_print_content' );
For more info see https://support.bestwebsoft.com/hc/en-us/articles/205454653-How-can-I-change-the-content-pdf-print-document-
If you have any difficulties, you can hire our specialist who will make required changes.
Please follow the next steps in order to request a paid customization service:
1) Submit a private request here – https://support.bestwebsoft.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
2) Make sure to include details about required changes.
3) Our manager will contact you back with estimation (possible questions) and a payment link.
4) Answer questions (if applicable) or complete the payment.
5) We will contact you upon payment approvement.
6) The work will be performed by our specialist.
7) Usually, it takes about 2 – 4 hours to complete the desired changes after receiving your payment (we start after 100% pre-payment only). However, the time depends on the complexity of this task, the number of desired changes and availability of our team.
BestWebSoft Support Team