• Resolved Peter R Myran


    Hello – my NFP organization is in the process of implementing Jetpack CRM, moving data from our old, backend CRM into JP. Our front end has been WordPress with WooCommerce for the last 3 years, i.e., we automatically got 3 years of established transactions existing in JP. My next step is to bring in all transactions / orders from our legacy system (both older than 3 years, and update those < 3) to flesh out existing transactions with important, extra custom field data. But to do so requires the ability to


    the existing transactions. Importer PRO works fine for bringing in our older orders as “new” transactions in JP. However, it doesn’t seem to give me the ability to update existing (last 3 year) transactions. Can you please tell me how to accomplish this. When I run importer with a row having an existing trans Id and the custom fields filled out, the importer process rejects the row messaging that the transaction already exists, and no further data is updated for that transaction. Perhaps there is a setting that allows trans field overrides / updates I am not aware of?

    Pete Myran – Victories of the Heart – [email protected], [email protected]

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  • Jay


    Hi @victorpete,

    It sounds like your transactions are WooCommerce orders, is that correct?

    If so, we recommend you using the Woo Sync module (included in the free core module on the latest version of CRM) to automatically sync existing and new orders and CRM transactions.

    Here are our guides for enabling Woo Sync module and connecting your WooCommerce site:

    I hope that helps! Let us know how it goes.

    Thread Starter Peter R Myran


    Hi – thanks for the quick reply!! Only the last 3 years of our order transactions are WooCommerce orders as we have only been on the WordPress/WooCommerce platform for that time. And all of these transactions have successfully sync-ed into JP. That is NOT the issue.

    As I said above, building out JP as our new CRM, I need to enhance these orders of the (last 3 years) with extra information captured in our legacy system (which goes back 20 years).

    To do this I want to be able to programatically update them all by using CSV Importer PRO. Can I do an update to custom JP trans fields on existing transaction in JP via the Importer?

    If so, how do I do it? So far, my attempts have failed.

    If I can’t do an update on existing transactions with the Importer is their another way?

    And the API docs do not show a transaction_update function, just create and view.

    I hope I have made my issue & question clearer this time. Looing forward to another quick response!

    Pete – Victories of the Heart – [email protected], [email protected]

    Hi @victorpete ,

    Updating transactions via CSV Importer Pro is possible, but you’ll need to make sure the transaction ID is correct when doing so.

    You’ll also need to create the appropriate custom transaction fields.

    You can find an example transaction import CSV here:


    For the API, updating transactions isn’t currently supported, but we do have an open issue for this. I don’t have a an ETA on when it will be implemented, though.

    Hope that helps!


    Thread Starter Peter R Myran


    Hi Cena;

    In doing a test update on just one existing transaction using the CSV transaction template you provide – exactly! I get failure messages due to existing Id. I am quite sure I have the correct Transaction_Unique_Id as it comes out of WooC which is exactly same as what is exported from JP (exporting JP transactions) Again this works fine if I create a new transaction with a new unique Id. But I want to do an update.

    Can I escalate this to a problem ticket. I am not sure what level of support I have but I am willing to pay for more extensive support & guidance. This could be a showstopper for us.

    How do I find out what support is available to me beyond this forum? What does it cost and how do I purchase it? What extra help is provided?


    Pete – Victories of the Heart – [email protected], [email protected]

    Plugin Support Stef (a11n)


    Hello @victorpete,

    I get failure messages due to existing Id. I am quite sure I have the correct Transaction_Unique_Id as it comes out of WooC which is exactly same as what is exported from JP (exporting JP transactions) Again this works fine if I create a new transaction with a new unique Id. But I want to do an update.

    Can you share the exact error the system returned to you when trying to update these existing transactions? I tried to reproduce it on my test site, and by playing with custom fields, I did get some errors, but they’re mostly related to the fact that I didn’t match the custom fields correctly. This resulted in the transactions not being updated or not being updated correctly.

    I am curious to understand what you did, so I wonder if you can share the steps you took to reproduce this consistently at my end. Screenshots or screencats will be very much helpful ??

    As for the premium support:

    Can I escalate this to a problem ticket. I am not sure what level of support I have but I am willing to pay for more extensive support & guidance. This could be a showstopper for us.

    How do I find out what support is available to me beyond this forum? What does it cost and how do I purchase it? What extra help is provided?

    We provide email support to customers who have purchased a paid plan – in fact, we cannot provide support on forums to paying customers. I checked your email address in our records, and you are indeed a paid customer!

    Could you contact us via this contact form and mention this thread? Thanks a lot!

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