I think I found a solution to this for more than 100 posts!
Log into your GoDaddy account, go to Quick Blogcast, Manage Account. Select “Export Entries” from the “Manage Blog” menu. Select which things you’d like to export (entries, categories, comments, trackbacks) and hit “Export.” Note: for mine I only chose entries, so I can’t vouch for the success of exporting anything else. This will produce a plain text file.
Then log into WordPress (I’m using 2.9), go to Tools > Import, and select “Movable Type and TypePad”. Upload the text file you got from the GoDaddy export. It may prompt you to either create a new WordPress user for the imported posts or attribute them to an existing user, your choice. It should report along the way the success or failure of importing each piece of info. It worked smoothly for me with 400-some posts.
Now, the weird part. I found when I clicked “Posts” it reported that there were my 400-some posts there, however, I couldn’t view any of them! I checked my database and determined that the reason is that all of the imported posts had a status of “published”, not “publish”! I used this piece of MySQL on my database to correct this:
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_status = REPLACE (post_status, 'published', 'publish');
All of the posts then showed up in the Dashboard! Hope this works for others.