• altinselimi


    I just installed the plugin, but the only way to have it shown on the website is when I press the shortcut key (ctrl+alt+L), while if I click on a log-in link, it will send me to the traditional login page of wordpress site.com/wp-login.php …. How do I make this thing work ,it’s driving me crazy ! ?


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  • Here is a really simple and quick implementation to create a shortcode for your website. maybe the devs for the plugin will just add this to their plugin class and create a shortcode.

    FYI: I added a little to the implementation suggestions, checking to see if the user is logged in or not. If yes, then logout url, If no, then the login and register butons.

    Add the following to your theme’s functions.php file.

    function simpleModalShortcode() {
    	if(( is_user_logged_in() )):
    		return '<p style="text-align: left;"><a href="'. wp_logout_url() .'">Logout</a></p> ';
    		return '<p style="text-align: left;"><a class="simplemodal-login" href="/wp-login.php">Log In</a> | <a class="simplemodal-register" href="/wp-login.php?action=register">Register</a></p> ';
    add_shortcode('simplemodal', 'simpleModalShortcode');

    Then add the shortcode [simplemodal] where it makes sense for you on the site.


    I am helping with a site that has this code in the the header text in the widget menu

    Log In


    The issue is that when a subscriber logs in, they return to a page and the header still says “Log In”. This is confusing the subscriber who are thinking that the signin didn’t work. Have you seen this before?

    Hi Team,

    the code from jjborja works great, so does the caba05 one.

    My question is,

    Option 1.
    can I insert a redirect after successful registration or login via this plugin to another site?

    option 2.
    Is there a way in wordpress on post page for example, where I have this SimpleModal plugin shortcode to show extra content or link after successful registration or login?


    I have tried the following:

    1 – adding the code for the shortCode – appears the hyperlinks but when clicked, doesn’t show the modal.

    2 – Adding a options to a customized menu. Altough the class stays in the wrong Dom element, it doesn’t work either
    (example taken from https://www.formationweb.net/forums/)

    <a href="https://www.creationsitewebinternet.fr/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/forums/" class="simplemodal-login">S'identifier</a>

    (My code of the menu item)

    <li class="simplemodal-login menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-111" id="menu-item-111">
    	<a href="https://localhost:8080/wordpress/wp-login.php">
    	<span class="icon"></span>Login_2</a>

    One thing that i found strange is that when i edit the plug-in ot appear the massage sayng that the css file is inactive)

    A editar simplemodal-login/simplemodal-login.php (activo)
    A editar simplemodal-login/css/default.css (inactivo)

    What does that mean, if i have installed the plug-in properly? Am i missing something ?

    I’ll try to put the site in a staging server. So far, i’ve been doing the development in my local machine.

    Thanks for your help.

    Well, i’ve noticed something…

    Even the example example taken from https://www.formationweb.net/forums/, doesn’t work on IE10

    My code works fine on chrome. Can someone help to understand and make this plug-in more browser wide friendly?

    Thanks in advance,

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