I have tried the following:
1 – adding the code for the shortCode – appears the hyperlinks but when clicked, doesn’t show the modal.
2 – Adding a options to a customized menu. Altough the class stays in the wrong Dom element, it doesn’t work either
(example taken from https://www.formationweb.net/forums/)
<a href="https://www.creationsitewebinternet.fr/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/forums/" class="simplemodal-login">S'identifier</a>
(My code of the menu item)
<li class="simplemodal-login menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-111" id="menu-item-111">
<a href="https://localhost:8080/wordpress/wp-login.php">
<span class="icon"></span>Login_2</a>
One thing that i found strange is that when i edit the plug-in ot appear the massage sayng that the css file is inactive)
A editar simplemodal-login/simplemodal-login.php (activo)
A editar simplemodal-login/css/default.css (inactivo)
What does that mean, if i have installed the plug-in properly? Am i missing something ?
I’ll try to put the site in a staging server. So far, i’ve been doing the development in my local machine.
Thanks for your help.