Hi doc4,
First of all.. it’s just a locally hosted site using XAMPP, but that doesn’t matter. A lot (not all) WordPress powered websites online have the exact same thing going on, just browse some and hover over blog information like the author, the category, the comments..
I know sweetangst is correct. The ‘tooltip’ comes from the title attribute (just like I said in my initial post), that’s why I’m asking how to hide / disable / remove those title attributes. If you would insert a link manually and you would like to have the title attribute then you could use title=”<?php the_title(); ?>”, that is obvious. If you would insert a link manually and you would not want it you can just leave it out.
I designed the theme myself and I did never ask WordPress for a title attribute. WordPress just automatically generates this title attribute for you whenever you call for your pages (wp_list_pages), your categories (wp_list_categories), the blog home (bloginfo(‘home’);), the post author and so on and so on.
For instance.. whenever you ask WordPress for the category by coding this into your theme (also see the default Kubrick theme):
<?php the_category(); ?>
it returns you this information:
a href=”https://www.example.com/?cat=1″ title=”View all posts filed under Uncategorized”>Uncategorized</a
and I don’t want this title attribute.. I just want WordPress to return this:
a href=”https://www.example.com/?cat=1″>Uncategorized</a
so I don’t get bothered by those tooltips. Personally I don’t mind the title tag at all, I mind the tooltip showing in my browser and I don’t want my visitors to see them, but since the title tag is causing this tooltip..
In addition to that.. I could just code this category manually.. but then the whole idea of the CMS is gone. And even worse, I got to do that for every article I post, for every page I create and that is just the category. Think about the author, the date, the archives etc.