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  • Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Just use the minus sign in your search.

    [rotatingtweets search="opimisto -pessimiso"]

    Thread Starter optimisto


    Thanks! Do you mean I can just use it like that:
    [rotatingtweets search=”-pessimiso”] to remove all tweets that include the word pessimiso?

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    That way you will get all the Tweets in the world that don’t contain pessimiso.

    The quickest way to work out search terms is via

    Thread Starter optimisto


    So it conflicts with “screen_name=”?

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Yes. It’s instead of screen name.

    (I can’t remember offhand which gets priority if you have both).

    Thread Starter optimisto


    It overrides other settings and just rotates the search results, retweets and all, even if retweets are off in the plugin settings. Also it does not work with “-#something” so tweets with specific hashtag can not be hidden (even if we use -%23something). Maybe I’m missing something?

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Did you construct and test your search term with

    If you go with something like:

    -#nhshealthcheck2016 from:mpntod

    it should work. It shouldn’t include retweets unless you add include:retweets

    Thread Starter optimisto


    Hmm it works now… Must have typed something wrong last time.
    As usual – you’re the best Martin! Thanks ??

    Thread Starter optimisto


    That’s weird – for some reason now I see:

    Problem retrieving data from Twitter
    No Tweet results for search ...

    Yet if I click on the search string I do get results…

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    The search via Twitter’s API has a shorter search window (i.e. it looks back less far in time) than searching via their website unfortunately.

    Thread Starter optimisto


    I haven’t tweeted for two weeks – so you say this is the reason why the API can not show these “old” tweets? Shame on Twitter…

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Rotating Tweets normally compensates for this via its own caching. So, unless you’ve changed a setting of some kind (which can reset the cache), this shouldn’t happen.

    Thread Starter optimisto


    Ah yes – I cleaned all with WP optimizer. What happens when RT gets its cache flushed? How to rebuild it?

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Unfortunately, since WP-Optimize has probably deleted the transient data used by Rotating Tweets (assuming you selected that option), there’s not a lot you can do. Your old Tweet data is lost and gone and can’t be replaced from Twitter.

    I can only suggest waiting until there are some more tweets in your search result!

    And don’t delete transients! The whole point of them is that they expire and get removed automatically – and you don’t need to be ‘cleaning’ them.

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