• Hello Anders,

    First of all, many thanks for your beautiful Eksell theme, which I used for a website I’m setting up for a small non-profit I’m a member of.
    And also, thanks for your mostly clear and out-of-the-box functional answers to other questions in the forum : I have been able to refine several things that were annoying me thanks to your additionnal CSS hints.

    Now, I have a question ??

    In a forum thread, I saw you answered someone he could use the “Excerpt” field to make a subtitle that is displayed before/beyond the featured image displayed in the article. But then I saw that this is also the text displayed as a summary / excerpt of the article in the list of articles.

    Is there a way to have both elements :
    – excerpt in list of articles
    – subtitle in the article, displayed beyond the featured image
    but with differing contents ?

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  • Theme Author Anders Norén


    Hi @xavier698109,

    Thank you very much!

    I’m afraid the answer to your question is no. You can install a plugin to create a separate subtitle field that is only shown on the article template, but you’d need to modify the template file in the theme to output the value of that field. Preferably in a child theme, so your changes aren’t overwritten when Eksell is updated.

    — Anders

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