Smush and/or EWWWW will shrink the file size somewhat which will help but Smush needs to be prompted to shrink the image files you already have… I imagine EWWW is the same way.
You probably should backup your media directory and then go through and remove any unattached images that you don’t think you’ll ever use again.
If you do that then install the Broken Link Checker plugin just in case you delete an image you actually need.
There are several benefits to running the BLC but it can be a resource hog so let it run for a couple days at its default 72-hour setting then throttle it back to 480 hours. It will behave well at that speed and still let you know if you have an issue.
You might want to look into running a CDN. JetPack’s ‘Photon’ (now Site Accelerator) is a good start and does a good job. KeyCDN is my choice for a commercial product as you can ‘push’ images there and not have them taking up space on your server if you want.
CloudFlare can help but that service is more of a proxy than a CDN like I’m referring to. CloudFlare is worth the trouble just for their DNS service… the free proxy is another good bonus in my book.
Hope this helps and let us know if you need more help.
]]>Thank you!