• Hello!

    I run a News/Media website and we have been in business for over 4 years now. From the beginning, we were unaware of the recommended optimization process of images and just now realizing the importance of doing this feature. Our Media Library has grown to a very large size 35gb in total. We are now trying to find a plugin or a process that can take our overall 35gb that is being stored by our host company and compress it on the server-side or find another solution that could help reduce this number in total. I would greatly appreciate feedback from any experts out there that could stir me in the right direction. I have tried some of the plugins like Smush Pro and EWWW but did not help our size problem at all. Thanks in advance!

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  • I looked at a couple of the images on your website and they are big! Physically much bigger than your presentations… shrinking the physical size would give you a storage space boost and render a little faster.

    Smush and/or EWWWW will shrink the file size somewhat which will help but Smush needs to be prompted to shrink the image files you already have… I imagine EWWW is the same way.

    You probably should backup your media directory and then go through and remove any unattached images that you don’t think you’ll ever use again.

    If you do that then install the Broken Link Checker plugin just in case you delete an image you actually need.


    There are several benefits to running the BLC but it can be a resource hog so let it run for a couple days at its default 72-hour setting then throttle it back to 480 hours. It will behave well at that speed and still let you know if you have an issue.

    You might want to look into running a CDN. JetPack’s ‘Photon’ (now Site Accelerator) is a good start and does a good job. KeyCDN is my choice for a commercial product as you can ‘push’ images there and not have them taking up space on your server if you want.

    CloudFlare can help but that service is more of a proxy than a CDN like I’m referring to. CloudFlare is worth the trouble just for their DNS service… the free proxy is another good bonus in my book.

    Hope this helps and let us know if you need more help.

    Thread Starter jeremymh


    Thank you for responding and giving me some insight. I am aware of how large things are and just been trying to find a solution but it is like no one knows how to help lol. I have tried Smush Pro but for whatever reason when I install and activate it the plugin went nuts and pegged out the PHP functions. I had to get support from hosting service to kill it off and then I had to delete it. Not sure what went on there with it and realize its one of the highest-rated plugins out there for image optimization. In the past, I also tried EWWW the free version and bulk optimization it did really did do much in terms of saving space. End of the day I am just trying to somehow if it is possible to compress everything at the hosting side and make it all smaller then moving forward use a CDN to offload it that even a thing. I am not a web developer or have one currently but getting some sort of direction would be much appreciated. Lastly, I can tell you that we do use Cloudflare and have for several years. It has done the job for the most part and Broken Link Checker I have used but it ate up tons of resources so I had to kill it. What would you do in my position at this point? The current 2 options I have been looking at is ShortPixel and EWWW but waiting to hear from their team after explaining what we are trying to do.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter jeremymh


    Also, would you be available to chat about this situation I am in? I would appreciate the time and feedback!

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