• Resolved enseignement



    Thanks for your great plugin ! I’m enjoying finding back this event plugin and how far it has evolved !
    I have a few questions though :
    1. I have events that takes place every wednesday during 2 months for example, but I would like that the booking of these “recurring” events can only take place once, as well as listed as one event.
    How could I do that ?
    2. I would like to display the information about the author of the event (with a photo, and some info about him / her. Actually, what I want to achieve is to have the informations / photo of an author, all the events of one author, as well as a calendar, a map with a radius if defined by the user and eventually no events if this one has not entered anything in the tool.
    How would I be able to achieve something like that ?

    Thanks for your help,


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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl



    1. have you tried search attribute recurring=1 ? https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/event-search-attributes/

    2. try contact placeholders at https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/placeholders/

    further to original question 2…
    and answer 2…

    placeholders are great… but only, it seems, within the context of “formatting” inside the plugin settings.

    i’m having difficulty sorting out how to get the #_CONTACTAVATAR to appear in a template… i want to show a single, random event with title, excerpt & the contact avatar

    i’m using this

    <div id="featuredevent">
    	// The Query
    $the_query = new WP_Query( 'post_type=event&orderby=rand&posts_per_page=1' );
    // The Loop
    while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
    	echo '<h3>' . get_the_title() . '</h3>';
    	echo '<span class="fev-image">' . do_shortcode('[events_list scope="future" limit="1"]'.'#_CONTACTAVATAR'.'[/events_list]') . '</span>';
    	echo '<p>' . the_excerpt() .'<p>';
    /* Restore original Post Data
     * NB: Because we are using new WP_Query we aren't stomping on the
     * original $wp_query and it does not need to be reset.

    which works great EXCEPT it doesn’t pull the avatar.
    IF i change the limit=”1″ to limit=”10″ (or anything more than 1) it diplays ALL the avatars within the “scope”… including the correct one.

    what might be the issue in that code? i’m totally stumped.
    it seems using the do_shortcode is the only way to achieve what i want… just one more little thing to fix and we’re done! i have spent fully a WEEK trying to make this work. needless to say, i am NOT a programmer…

    so, upon further reflection… that code is NOT actually working “great”… poor test data ?? had similar data for multiple events and didn’t realize it was showing old events too. duh.

    it works “well” tho.
    will start a new thread as i figure out how to make it work great.

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