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  • Hi, so you want these links to other pages to open up in a lightbox? Then first activate the iFrame feature on Instellingen > Media and then add a class="fancybox-iframe" attribute to all the links that you want inside the lightbox like for example change

    <a href="" class="highslide " onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: '' })"><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="250" class="bbc_img"></a>


    <a href="" class="fancybox-iframe"><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="250" class="bbc_img"></a>

    (what’s that highslide stuff? it’s causing script errors)

    Next, you might want to consider installing the plugin and then append the request parameter ?content-only=1 to each link. This will prevent all the header/menu and footer stuff from appearing inside the lightbox.

    Hope these tips will get you further ??

    Thread Starter Buienradars


    Thanx for the verry quick help RavanH
    I am dutch so ik will try to reade it.

    haha, geen probleem ??

    Thread Starter Buienradars


    O jee je bent nederlander ?
    Kun je me aub iets meer helpen ???
    Please please ??

    Thread Starter Buienradars


    I dont get this ???

    Next, you might want to consider installing the plugin and then append the request parameter ?content-only=1 to each link. This will prevent all the header/menu and footer stuff from appearing inside the lightbox.

    O jee je bent nederlander ?

    Ja, maar laten we het engels houden zodat anderen het ook kunnen volgen ??

    Next, you might want to consider installing the plugin and then append the request parameter ?content-only=1 to each link. This will prevent all the header/menu and footer stuff from appearing inside the lightbox.

    You where using the images to link to other posts/pages that would then be opened in the FancyBox lightbox in iFrame mode. This is possible but it means that the FULL page gets shown inside the lightbox. Including the header image, the sidebars, and footer.

    To prevent this from happening, you can use another plugin called Show Content Only. This plugin will strip away the all except the page/post content when you link to a page/post with ?content-only=1 appended to the URL.

    Thread Starter Buienradars


    Ah ok
    It is workong fine now.
    Thnx ??

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