How to get this plugin working?
I′ve installed the plugin, added event, venue and a woocommerce product as ticket.
First: At my shop no ticket is shown, only all other (virtual) products. I′ven′t hidden the ticket products from catalog and I can access the ticket product if I′ve got the permalink. What could be wrong? Switching to another theme doesn′t take any effect.
If I sell a ticket, I get the normal mails without qr codes or anything, where buyers can download or print their ticket. I find no option, which I′ve to mark to get it working, I get no error.
How is this feature included, what have I to configure?Third:
At Openticket Report no purchaser is logged to the report although I′ve purchased tickets. Really wired.Can you please give me a hint, how I can get this plugin working?
Is a checkin possible with the community edition? If yes, how?
My system report:
== Environment ==
* Home URL: [neutral]
* Site URL: [neutral]
* WC Version: [neutral] 2.2.10
* WP Version: [neutral] 4.1
* WP Multisite Enabled: [neutral] No
* Wev Server Info: [neutral] nginx/1.7.9 ++ HTTP/1.1
* PHP Version: [neutral] 5.5.20-1~dotdeb.1
* MySQL Version: [neutral] 10.1.2
* WP Acitve Plugins: [neutral] 15
* WP Memory Limit: [good] You have more than the required minimum memory of 64MB. Your current total is 256M.
* WP Debug Mode: [neutral] No
* WP Language: [neutral] de_DE
* WP Max Upload Size: [neutral] No
* WP Max Post Size: [neutral] 37M
* PHP Max Execution Time: [neutral] 240
* PHP Max Input Vars: [neutral] 1000
* WP Uploads Writable: [good] Uploads directory IS writable
* Default Timezone: [neutral] UTC== Software ==
* Active Plugins: [neutral]
+ [ON]: Contact Form 7 ( by Takayuki Miyoshi (,
+ [ON]: Fencer v2.0 Custom Post Types ( by dedalx (,
+ [ON]: iThemes Security ( by (,
+ [ON]: Loco Translate ( by Tim Whitlock (,
+ [ON]: Multi Image Metabox ( by Willy bahuaud (,
+ [ON]: OpenTickets Community Edition ( by Quadshot Software LLC (,
+ [ON]: PrettyPhoto ( by Babar (,
+ [ON]: Regenerate Thumbnails ( by Viper007Bond (,
+ [ON]: Restricted Site Access ( by Jake Goldman, 10up, Oomph (,
+ [ON]: Revolution Slider ( by ThemePunch (,
+ [ON]: Simple WP Retina ( by Jonathan Desrosiers & Slocum Design Studio (,
+ [ON]: WooCommerce ( by WooThemes (,
+ [ON]: WooCommerce Germanized ( by Vendidero (,
+ [ON]: WordPress Importer ( by wordpressdotorg (,
+ [ON]: WPBakery Visual Composer ( by Michael M – (
* Acitve Theme: [neutral]
+ Fencer 2 ( by dedalx ( Data ==
* Event Areas: [neutral]
* Ticket Products: [neutral]
+ #1429 “Test Ticket” (22) [1 EA]
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