Great! Make the following changes.
Live Environment HPP Page = rationallifestyl
Test Environment HPP Page = rationallifestyl
I’ve been struggling to explain that step, but since your HPP is at, the only part you’ll include is the portion of the URL in bold text.
Let me know how that works for you, there is additional changes necessary within the hosted payment page admin dashboard. Navigate to the “Connect” area and do the following:
- Create an invoice with the Order Line Items (Column 1 = Name, Column 2 = Quantity, Column 3 = Price), then create a line item (Orange, 5, 5) and click “build link”. This saves the line-item configuration for future links.
- Add your website URL to the redirect field. You can even create a page on WordPress that states “Payment Complete, please check your email for confirmation”, etc.
- WordPress by default doesn’t know when a payment occurs on the HPP. To support this option, please add the following URL to the webhook URL