• Ok, I’ve looked around the forum and the site, and am certainly very lost now. I have a post that is far too long, like 12 paragraphs with 50 or more lines in some of the paragraphs and want to find a way to just put an excerpt or an extended entry link on the main index page linking to the full post. Yet I tried to use the excerpt option in the advanced editing mode, but that didn’t work, and I tired looking around the forums for a way to do this. It was very easy in MT, but I am lost in WP. I really need some one to explain it like oyu’re tlaking to the blondest person ever. Which at this point I am. What am I to do? Do I need some sort of plugin or hack? Do I need a diploma in algebra? I know I need a drink right now.

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  • Well, to use the excerpt functionality, you have to actually include the tag in the index.php file. Or, you can use the <!–more–> tag at the point you want it to “cut off”… this will put a “More…” link at that point. If the reader wants to read the rest of the post, they can click it and it will take them to the full post.

    Thread Starter Johnnie


    Thank you, thank you! You all rock the universe!!! I bow to you, rulers of the wordpress.

    Huh? I tried pasting that in and it displayed as text in the post – but presumably the &amp stuff actually means & but oh dear, it just didn’t work. Can anyone spell it out even more clearly? Please?

    Well in your quicktags just click on the more button. (they are the cute little things just above that sweet box where – you know – you can write stuff)

    Argh ??
    I ran into the same prob. Read the template reference docs, quickly found the comment-like < ! — more — > tag (don’t know, what the forum will display here) and tried to copy/paste it to my test blog post. What I’ve got (running Firefox on a WinXP box), is some unusual special hyphen character yet displayed like the minus used for html comment tags …
    Of course, wordpress hasn’t shown the “more …” link. And because I haven’t recognized the difference, I searched for some error elsewhere.
    Probably including a hint on the docs page would prevent people to run into this (and yet thinking “ups, wordpress seems to be somewhat buggy …”).

    Has anyone figured this out? Also tried to use the <!–more–> comment but it’s not displaying as a link. The whole text of the post is still there.

    This tag (<!–more–>) should be entered by using your quicktags at the top of your edit box. It will enter it where you have your curser placed in the text box.

    Here is another alternitive via a plugin:


    It allows you to click a link and instantly display the rest of your post instead of loading the a€?view morea€? page.


    Will answer most of these questions.

    I had all these problems until yesterday. I tried the codex too but whatever I did I could not get ‘Read more’ to work and I wasn’t getting any answers here. I can’t believe that such a simple requirement should cause so much trouble in WP.

    I tried all the other plugins too and they didn’t work either. I found one yesterday that does work and doesn’t mess up the posts like some others did. It works great: https://dev.wp-plugins.org/wiki/PostTeaser

    Is there anyway to change the text the /more/ tag displays? That’s ’cause I have a blog in another language. Thanks!

    I think I figured it out for ya. Are you using WP2 with the rich text editor ON? Then the “more” button isn’t there at the top and pasting in the more tag won’t work.

    At least, not unless you click on the HTML button at the top of the rich-edit box, then you should be able to paste the “more” tag right where you want.

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