• Hello,

    Last night I was breaking my head for several hours regarding this, without any clue…
    So any help is very much appreciated and would mean a breakthrough for me in using wordpress. This said…

    my data usage
    I created a custom post type: ct_persons
    I created a second post type: ct_lessons

    ct_persons contains relevant information on people (personID, name, image,…)
    ct_lessons contains relevant information on lessons (lessonID, teacherID, lessonName, date, start,end,…)
    to link them in a way: the value of personID (ct_persons) and teacherID (ct_lessons) correspond to each other.

    Now I created a page-lesson template to make a table of all lessons. However I am struggling to get my data added from ct_persons.

    What I do
    I can create this via the_loop() and custom fields on ct_lessons.
    my table looks like this:
    lessonNumber – date – start – end – teacherID – lessonName

    What I still need
    but need to get to the custom field of ct_persons (personName) as well
    and eventually link hem to a page with information on that teacher
    my table should look like this:
    lessonNumber – date – start – end – personName(and link to teacherInfoPage) – lessonName

    my struggle
    I already tried several things, including custom SQL queries, but do find it rock hard (being a novice). eg. I tried using JOIN and comparing values, but since I query 1 table (wp_postmeta), this doesn’t seem to work properly. Can anyone guide me in the right direction what should be the best approach for this case? Thank you in advance!

    ps: I am not posting any code, since this will only make it more confusing and I am not yet sure how to approach it… If anyone more experienced could guide me on this, it would help me a lot!

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