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  • I have a subtotal on my cart page and my checkout page, this custom css will hide both:

    .cart-subtotal {display:none}

    Thread Starter dg



    Thanks for your answer. However, this does not solve my problem. Your code may hide the subtotal in the cart, but what I need is to hide it in the order-details table. Actually the one displayed after the checkout has been completed, under the thank-you message.

    Did I do something wrong about trying your code? I put it in my theme’s style.css, using !important.


    Sorry I was not looking at the right table. Try this:

    .order_details tfoot tr:first-child {display:none}

    Thread Starter dg


    lorro, thank you very much!

    You did not only solve my problem, but indirectly you helped me understand how CSS works actually:)

    Just one question, table class seems to be “shop_table order_details”
    Why do we just use “order_details” in the CSS ? I understood the logic of tfoot, tr:first child, with your help. Thank you again,

    “shop_table order_details” is two classes separated by a space. There may be other tables with the class “shop_table” but probably only one with the class “order_details” and this is the one we wanted to select in this case. Some body tags have a dozen classes.

    Thread Starter dg


    Now I understand. Thank you for your time lorro.

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