• Resolved Alariel


    Hey there,

    as i’m using htis plugin for what it was intended – to inform my users about new articles and pages – i also wondered about that… well… lets be honest, i won’t tell what i call this “service”. Good for marketers, bad for responsible bloggers. ’nuff ranting. I fear in short or long terms i have to find another plugin doing this job, but for now i’m willing to give it a try – without the Readygraph stuff.

    OK, so how to get rid of the banner? And no, the closing button is NOT working. The banner will stay there. Obviously, this sets me up a little, so i want to get rid of the readygraph reference completely. Sorry, but i’m not the person to “just ignore the big banner stickin’ in your face”.
    As stated in another thread, i:

    – removed file subscribe2/readygraph-extension.php
    – removed directory subscribe2/extension/readygraph/
    – in file subscribe2/subscribe2.php , remove or comment the line “include “readygraph-extension.php””

    Am i missing any other files or hooks?

    (and sorry for another Thread according the same issue again, but other users also have been told that everyone who has the same problem must open a thread for himself, no matter what… well, here is mine.)


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  • It is fixed in recent version. You dont need to delete files. Simply Disconnect the Readygraph or don’t sign up, Readygraph will not collect your information unless you sign up and you can use Subscribe2 as is.

    I enjoyed the ready graph until I clicked on my site as one of my alias member identities and it interfered with the log in process and messed up the password reset. Don’t mean to be ungrateful I was a little concerned about my members info also. Anyway I think the plugin has great potential and I love the subscribe. I want to thank you all for holding each other accountable and on the up and up.



    Problem with readyGraph is still here. (Multisite); After installing subscribe2 on multisite, readygraph tabs are visible on all sub sites where subscribe2 is activated. We didn not and will not connect to readyGraph and still all our users are seing the links. Even worse: when they click on “subscribe2” they are redirected to the readygraph page. We want to have this deleted. Why did you integrate thi sin subscirbe2 and how to delete?
    Kind regards,



    The plugin author has been marketing Clickbank products to our subscribers. The author is being deceptive and not explaining fully what Subscribe2 does.

    So explain plugin author. What are you doing with our subscribers?
    Explain what we are getting into and how to avoid you from abusing our loyal subscribers for your personal gain.



    @meindert – Your are right – we should improve the integration related to multisite users. For now, you can click on Delete ReadyGraph link on readygraph main page. This will delete all the files of readygraph and links. @duke we have nothing to do with Clickbank.



    Are you sure @tanaylakhani? Check your plugin review section here…

    See the top review that was just made? It’s referring to a Sponsored Ad to a Clickbank product that is being sent via emails from Readygraph, which is part of your plugin. So again, what are you doing with our subscribers?

    @tanaylakhani- or anyone, I know this thread was marked resolved but I would really appreciate clarification as my recent post regarding this issue has gone unresolved. Remove ReadyGraph Banner

    To your last reply in this thread stating “…you can click on Delete ReadyGraph link on readygraph main page. This will delete all the files of readygraph and links.”
    What or where is the “ReadyGraph main page”? Under Subscribe2 settings, I have links for “Ready Graph App” and “Go Premium (beside the normal Subscribe2 settings). Blank screens appear within my dashboard when these are clicked.

    Just to clarify: There was a “Connect to ReadyGraph” banner that appeared at the top of my plugins page. That banner did have an “X”, which I was able to close. However, the banner I was referring to is the one that appears on the top of all of the Subscribe2 settings pages as well as the page where registered users can select/de-select specific categories.

    That banner is blue with an orange exclamation mark & an orange “Connect ReadyGraph” button with the message “Grow your site traffic faster: Activate…..” This is the banner that I need to get rid of as it is unacceptable for my registered users to see this when viewing their user notification settings page.

    I would greatly appreciate any feedback from anyone on how to remove this ReadyGraph banner.

    Thanks Jaco fro bringing this up again. This readyGraph thing is pure spam and should be removed from every WordPress listing. We should not accept this kind of spam to become part of our WordPress core. The clarification about “ready graph main page” is nonsense and just a diplomatic way of saying: we are not planning to remove ReadyGraph ourselves. We do not want ReadyGraph, we never asked for it so it should not have a place in any WordPress install. Pure spam.

    @dewebmeester.nl, I appreciate your feedback while I also understand that the owners of this plugin are simply trying to monetize it, as they should be able to. I can live with that banner on my admin pages but for the life of me, I can not understand why it also shows up on the settings page that registered users (and soon to be paying subscribers) of my site go in order to select the categories that they wish to receive email notification on.

    I can see page of coding with the plugin file that controls the uninstalling of ReadyGraph but I simply do not have access to the link or command to execute the uninstall. I have uninstalled & re-installed the plugin on my local site several times yet still don’t have the uninstall RG option anywhere. No luck removing it with my limited coding/firebugging skills either.

    Thread Starter Alariel


    Well… besides of deleting readygraph-extension.php and the extension/readygraph-folder, and commenting out any reference in the subscribe2.php file, to get rid of the banners one has to do some extra editing…

    In every file in the /admin folder this “banner” is… well, kind of hardcoded. I just commented out these sections – but, obviously, this has to be done with every update.
    Just look for “Connect ReadyGraph” to find the mentioned sections.

    @alariel, That worked!! I can’t thank you enough. I had followed your steps in the first post in this thread but that only took away the banner BG image but not the icon images, text or button. All gone now and again, thank you for taking the time to explain this.
    BTW, you don’t freelance as programmer by chance? Looking for some to make minor changes & custom coding to my site from time to time.

    Thread Starter Alariel


    Glad to hear anything worked out.

    I don’t really freelance – if not for small projects taking not excessive amounts of time. Normally i like to relax after my main job, so i see it more as a “paid hobby” – if so. ??

    1- Remove “readygraph” plugin
    2-if you are using “wp super cache” “css cache” “js cache” “minify cache” or anothers, please delete all caches.
    3- Your are happy ??

    I deleted ReadyGraph as instructed by “nick” or “dan” at ReadyGraph, but a “ghost” of the banner is still on my subscriber page.

    Further, I lost the list of all of my subscribers.

    I am not saying that this is causal, but currently I have lost my ability to email my post to subscribers (I printed the list, thank God).

    Lastly, and perhaps not causal as well, but my Facebook share numbers in the button below my posts have disappeared as well.

    Please help.


    I’d suggest you try removing Subscribe2 completely using FTP software and then install a version prior to ReadyGraph being added. Try version 9.4 from here:

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