Theres a couple of ways to go about it depending on your skill level and how confident you are at editing your theme.
Option 1. – uses CSS to hide them.
Option 2. – edit the relevant template files in the theme to remove or change the parts you want to update.
so Option 1 – without editing your theme
- Install the WordPress Jetpack plugin.
- activate – custom CSS (should default to on, i think) – this will add a custom CSS menu item under Appearance in the admin area.
- add the css below
body.category article.breadcrumbs {
display: none;
NB this only hides the panel on category-archive pages.
body.single-post article.art-post.art-article:first-child {
this second block removed the nav block on single posts templates, however this second block is CSS3 which only work in modern browsers i.e. ie7+
see browser support
if you don’t want to install jetpack you can add the css to the very bottom of the style.css in your folder theme.
Option 2.
Is more complicated as you need to figure out where in the theme those blocks are coming from and edit them to change what they output.
So for categories template order
- category-slug.php
- category-ID.php
- category.php
- archive.php
- index.php
one of the follow temples is generating that content, probably not the first two, 3 and four are most likely, if 3 doesnt exist then its 4 ‘archives.php’
Once you figured out which template is being used you need to find some code that looks like:
<article class="art-post art-article breadcrumbs" style="">
and delete it or comment it out. trouble is it maybe wrapped in/contain various <?php .. ?>
code sections which may make it harder to spot.
and rise and repeat for the second one, this time you need to edit ‘single.php’ and find and delete something that looks like.
<article class="art-post art-article " style="">
<div class="art-postcontent clearfix">
<div class="navigation">
<?php posts_nav_link(); ?>
Without seeing the actual templates files its hard to explain exactly what to delete.
Hope that helps.