• first off, i’m a total newbie. i’m using the “revolution tv” template and i want to get rid of the “categories” tab underneath the header. I only really need a few tabs… “home,” “videos,” “contact me…” buttons that people can click on and see a new page and feel good about their lives… and I don’t need CATEGORIES! what the hell is that? I don’t need that, let’s get rid of the categories tab and its mom. can anyone help?? thanks!

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  • Categories are ways that you organize your posts, and will be useful for you as video-posts are added. They can help your users find specific kinds of content quickly. They’re really one of the best parts of WordPress.

    Thread Starter DRON


    Thanks keighl, but to be honest, I hardly understood what you just said. what are posts really? i mean, here’s all I really want: a home page, like any other website, and tabs that take them to different pages where they can view different things associated with that tab. once i have all my pages, i can take it from there… somewhat. i’m not really using this site for blogging, not a big blogger. just a regular site is all.

    You may want to head over to WordPress TV … there are basic tutorials and explanations of the fundamentals. WordPress will be pretty frustrating if you don’t understand the basics.

    Also, poke around here.

    I don’t know if you’re still trying to fix this, but I had the same problem and was able to resolve it. I’m using the Ashford theme, which is quite good and has an option to disable categories under:

    Appearance > Ashford Options > Display Category Submenu > No

    You can see my website here: powermagneticproducts.com for an example.

    Hope this helps.

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