• RonaldS


    My site works with the latest versions of all. Including theme Avada 3.9.3. The avada search needs to be replaced with Predictive Search Widget in the main menu. But I have no idea how to do this.
    For the search page it was easier to do. In search.php I have copy paste this:

    <form data-ps-id="2" autocomplete="off" action="//www.silica-gel-shop.com/en/search-results/" method="get" class="fr_search_widget" id="fr_pp_search_widget_2">
            	   			<div class="ctr_search">
    			<input autocomplete="on" id="pp_course_2" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Search...';}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Search...') {this.value = '';}" value="Search..." name="rs" class="txt_livesearch predictive_search_input ac_input_2" data-ps-id="2" data-ps-default_text="Search..." data-ps-row="19" data-ps-text_lenght="100" data-ps-cat_in="all" data-ps-lang="en" data-ps-popup_search_in="{&quot;product&quot;:&quot;6&quot;,&quot;post&quot;:&quot;4&quot;,&quot;page&quot;:&quot;6&quot;}" data-ps-search_in="product" data-ps-search_other="product,post,page" data-ps-show_price="1" type="text">
                <span data-ps-id="2" class="bt_search predictive_search_bt" id="bt_pp_search_2" value=""></span>
                <input name="search_in" value="product" type="hidden">
                <input name="cat_in" value="all" type="hidden">
                <input name="search_other" value="product,post,page" type="hidden">

    Still think that this is a temporally solution, while it is not a widget but hard coded.
    Also not searching on SKU. SKU are all saved in table: ps_product_sku.

    1) how to replace avada search with Predictive Search in Main menu?
    2) how to get effectively Predictive Search in search.php


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  • molani


    I also have the same question. Can you please help us.

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