• Hi all,
    I just discovered that I had let my site get deleted so I’m having to set it up again. This is not a big issue since I haven’t done much with the site in the last 6 months and once I get everything imported it should just be pretty easy to get everything up and running on my new site. However, I cannot find where I need to go to import what I need to because everything has been moved around since the last time I had to do this. Could someone please help me figure out how to import my site? I’ve already installed the plugins I need, including WordPress Importer, but have no idea where I need to go to import the site.

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  • Bill


    If by “import my site” you mean import your content (posts, pages, etc.), then that is all in your database which is separate from your WP installation.

    If you have a backup of that db or your web host does, you can import that sql file into a new one of the same name if you need to. My concern is that you said you let your site “get deleted”, which I hope doesn’t mean your web host deleted your db.

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    Yes I think they did. However, in previous versions of wordpress, there was an option under site tools that allowed you to import an xml file that contained all your posts and pages. There was also an export tool here to export your files to an xml file to be imported. I did one of these about 6 months ago, but once I get that imported there isn’t much I need to do since I made very few changes to the site in the last 6 months. However, I cannot find the site tools. The dashboard seems to now display network configurations and I have no clue where to go for this site stuff.

    “Tools” is still in the Dashboard on the left-side menu just above “Settings.” If it’s not visible, maybe you are not logged in as an admin?

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