• does anyone have any tips for having google list all of the pages of your blog? although i have several hundred entries, google seems to only show 42 of my pages. basically, it shows my index page, the posts that are linked from my index page (most recent 10 posts) and my monthly index pages (i.e. index.php?m=200311). how can i get it to index the rest of my posts? i mean, i guess people can dig through all my posts for that month, but it would be nice if all of the posts were indexed separately!

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  • Google will find it all .. oh yes it will ??
    You can actually email them and ask them to crawl the site more often, or you can use META tags to say stuff like that too. Tried their help pages ?

    Er, is this in the straight-up Google search, or the “search mysite with Google” thingy?

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    yeah, i did try their help pages. as far as i can tell, all my stuff is set up correctly. i even have tags on all of my pages with the “index,follow” set. but still, they only index my monthly index pages, and the posts that are linked to from the home page.
    i’m not sure what you mean by the “search my site w/ google” thingy. the way i check is to go to google.com, and in the search, i put in “site:” and then my site name.

    One way to try, and also to get some nice stats, is to useDelyMyth’s advanced tracking scripts. Easy to use plugin.

    Here are my suggestions. Ill write a small guide later on and post the link.

    * Use meta tags on your site…
    * Make sure your site validates…
    * Use HTML. Googlebot loves to search for HTML…If your layout is plain, Try adding more stuff.
    * Add your link to forum signatures because when googlebot crawls the forum, It will see your site and index it :).

    how old is your site/blog? Google does daily/weekly ‘shallow’ scans of your site and about once ever 3 months it will go ‘deep’ usually you will notice 2 things when it does.

    1) your google page rank goes up or down
    2) you will see increase visits by googlebot in your server logs

    how often googolebot visits also depends on how often you update

    Something I just realized… If you have a trailing slash at the end of your permalinks, Google [logically] thinks it’s a directory and since that directory isn’t there… No links. Just a theory, I’ll know in a few days if that was my problem. I’m getting hit by the googlebot but just not indexed on ALL the pages.

    Not sure if it was a coincidence or not, but after adding:

    User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* [OR]
    User-agent: googlebot

    to my robots.txt Google indexes all the pages I want in accordance to the restrictions I set also.

    The: User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* is used if you use Google Adsense (for those that aren’t aware of the bot)

    Moderator James Huff


    Nope, Google doesn’t mind the trailing slash. There are several blogs, including mine, which use permalinks and rank quite well in Google.

    I created my blog one month ago, and made a link on my entry page, which is indexed in google.

    But no page of my blog can be seen in google so far. I tried a google search using names existing only in my blog. No result. All the other pages of my site are listed.

    Since I created that blog one month ago, should I wait 2 more months? Somebody said here that google makes a deep scan of all listed websites once every three month. Must I expect then that my blog will be indexed within 3 month?

    I don’t think that Google really cares wether your site validates or not. Simply, just put Google SiteMap on your website and I’m pretty sure they will crawl most of your entries too

    Moderator James Huff


    Thanks Macmanx, I found info about Arne Brachhold’s sitemap generator plugin for google. It is easy to install, and it seems everything worked. There is a sitemap.xml file on my site now. What must I do now? Must I submit my blog to Google again?

    Google has been pinged when the sitemap.xml file was generated. Is that enough?

    Yes, that’s enough.

    Hi, more to add.

    I’m using this Google sitemap plug-in that builds your sitemap and pings Google automatically when you post.

    However, I had the same problem (but worse), only my home page was being index, not any other page, including those that were linked on the home page.

    I also have a Google sitemap account. When I went in to my Google account to check things out, I found the problem. Google thinks I have errors in my sitemap because the sitemap is missing the www on the page URLs, but where I put the sitemap url into my Google account, I included it.

    So now I’ve gone in to my WordPress options and made sure the site url has the www. I rebuilt the sitemap (which automatically pings Google with the update). I’m hoping this will fix the problem.

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