• I am creating a widget and want to make it play nicely with MultiPostThumbnails. So within the widget I want to provide a drop-down list of images to be used, the first one being the featured image, and the others being any custom images created using MultiPostThumbnails.

    I can’t see an easy way to determine what images have been created with MultiPostThumbnails? Is there a way to do this?

    (For the record the next challenge is to create an admin screen for creating custom images using MultiPostThumbnails – the idea behind this being it means functions.php doesn’t have to be customised.)


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  • multi-post-thumbnails.php contains this line:
    add_action("wp_ajax_set-{$this->post_type}-{$this->id}-thumbnail", array($this, 'set_thumbnail'));
    Based on this i wrote the following little functions:

    // returns post type - thumb type pairs
    add_action( 'init', 'thumblist', 9999 );
    function thumblist(){
      global $wp_filter;
      $thumb_types = preg_filter('/^wp_ajax_set-(.*)-thumbnail$/', '$1', array_keys( $wp_filter ));
      $by_post_type = array();
      foreach( array_keys(get_post_types()) as $post_type ){
        $by_post_type[ $post_type ] = preg_filter("/^$post_type-(.*)/", '$1', $thumb_types );
      var_dump( $thumb_types, $by_post_type );
    // returns all MultiPostThumbnails objects
    add_action( 'init', 'thumblist2', 9999 );
    function thumblist2(){
      global $wp_filter;
      $thumb_types = preg_filter('/^(wp_ajax_set-.*-thumbnail)$/', '$1', array_keys( $wp_filter ));
      $thumbs = array();
      foreach( $thumb_types as $thumb_type )
        foreach( $wp_filter[ $thumb_type ][10] as $filter )
          $thumbs[] = $filter['function'][0];
      var_dump( $thumb_types, $thumbs );
    // returns all MultiPostThumbnails objects for a given post type slug
    function thumbtypes4posttype( $post_type ){
      global $wp_filter;
      $thumb_types = preg_filter("/^(wp_ajax_set-$post_type-.*-thumbnail)$/", '$1', array_keys( $wp_filter ));
      $thumbs = array();
      foreach( $thumb_types as $thumb_type )
        foreach( $wp_filter[ $thumb_type ][10] as $filter )
          $thumbs[] = $filter['function'][0];
      return $thumbs;
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