• Man C


    Hi this should be simple. How can I get the latest WordPress Blog Post ID when I am on WordPress page? I have code that works on static php pages but when I put the code on my home page it doesn’t work. It only shows info on the current page.

    Here is my code that works on non wordpress pages.

    $postslist = get_posts('numberposts=1&order=DESC&orderby=post_title');
    foreach ($postslist as $post) :
    <?php $thePostID = $post->ID;  // gets the post id  ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    This should be irrelevent but in case not I am using “Allow PHP in posts and pages” to run my php script from within my WordPress page. I am also on WordPress 3.0.1.


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  • esmi


    $postslist = get_posts('numberposts=1&order=DESC&orderby=post_title');
    foreach ($postslist as $post) :
    <?php $thePostID = $post->ID;  // gets the post id  ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    is all that you should need.

    Thread Starter Man C


    Thanks but the ID comes up blank when I call it from editable content area of a WordPress page. I think the problem might have to do with using the get_posts loop from within the content area of WordPress page?

    I feel like my issues is similar to this guys in the link below, but I am not sure how to resolve it?


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