• Hi this is essentially 2 questions/confusions pertaining to this blog:


    I am no expert.

    1) How do I get posts to appear as “featured” on the home page (my page titled “Home”)? I have made new posts, categorized them as ‘featured’, but there is nothing there as you can see, just a white block. I am unsure of what else to do! This theme is looking nothing like the ver. I saw when I downloaded it

    2) I am trying to make my home page the same as “Home”, but as you can see it is not! There is some page about the theme itself on the actual home page, and I have used my page “Home” which is in the menu but needs to be clicked on to be accessed. What’s up with that!

    Any help would be very much appreciated. Bless You ??

    Best Regards.

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  • In your admin, did you settup the reading options to display the last posts as the welcome page ? that would have your recent posts appear on the welcome page.

    For now I don’t even see a white block, I just see dark backrground, some text, and then links. Looks pretty messy for now and I’m not sure I understand what you want to do.

    Thread Starter xroox


    Hi agothtale,

    Looking into “reading settings” (I didn’t even know that was there) helped a lot!

    Thank you.

    However, now I see content that the creator of the theme has put in (see my sliding header with the robots and such). I have no idea where that content is or how to take it out. Can you or someone tell me where this came from? There are no posts except the standard ‘Hello World’ post, and one I called ‘Testing’.

    Thanks again.

    Best Regards

    The content is probably somewhere in the .php file. the easiest way to find it and remove it/replace it, could be to copy the text you want to erase, and put it in the “search” or “search and replace” option of your file.
    I don’t know how your theme is built, but all that is likely to be found in the index.php of the theme.

    Thread Starter xroox



    I will look – I have done some looking through the various .php files so far with no luck, but I will stay on it. I think I will use the name of the header image to search!

    I have also emailed the creator of the theme to see if he can help. I am surprised this wasn’t in his documentation. The readme.txt was extremely short! I guess it was free!

    Thanks again ??

    Thread Starter xroox



    Nothing in any of the .php files in the theme editor.

    Anyone have any other ideas? Link to the blog is at the top, I have emailed tolu sonaike the creator of the ‘Chromey’ thematic child theme – but have not heard back yet.

    I am sure there are other people that have worked with this ‘featured post’ style blog before that might be able to help me? Many thanks

    Bye for now (thanks Ago for the help so far – I appreciate it!)

    Best Regards.

    I’m going to download that theme to get a look inside a see how I can help you better, will let you now asap.

    ok, so :
    the text “About Chromey, blablablablabla, latin blabla, and link”, is inside front-page.php (quite at the begining)
    The moving images and text going along that is above that text, is in chromey/includes/images for the images
    and chromey/includes/feature-front-#.php (there’s feature-front 1, 2 and 3)

    was that useful ?

    ho, and to change the big “Chromey” that heads the page, it’s actually logo.png, you simply need to make your own image that matches the same width/lenght and is transparent. the background is /images/back, same you can change the image.
    the file functions.php tell logo.png to place itself there.

    Thread Starter xroox


    Wow awesome – Thanks for the look at the theme!

    I tried deleting those files (for lack of knowing what else to do, and simply wanting to remove those three built-in fake featured items), but it didn’t work out too well.

    (As you can see from the blog) !

    It’s weird… because I thought those were meant to show featured posts, which you defined from the WP admin!

    I think I am confused about how these work.

    …Didn’t think you needed to mess with PHP just to make featured posts… I thought that’s what the theme admin did! I wish the theme author had explained this.

    Thank you again for the help, maybe you could let me know how you did (if you installed and activated the theme!).

    I don’t see changes, did you upload your changes ?

    don’t delete the files, simply change the text you want to change (inside the file), and change the images (but keep the same name, and format).

    Your theme isn’t putting posts in the front page, it’s putting those moving images , and a horizontal sidebar containing text, recent blogs items, and more text/links.

    You can technically change all that messing with php, but if you’re not familiar with php, and don’t want to waste 2 weeks learning it and messing with it, just try another theme…unless you hear from the theme author and he provides you a clean code, but from what I’ve seen, the theme code isn’t the easiest to understant if you’re 100% beginner with php, and you might just go nuts and waste your time, while you could have what you want easily with another theme.

    If you enjoyed the look of that theme, don’t forget you can keep its images and use them in another theme.

    Thread Starter xroox


    That’s interesting, because new posts that I put in the ‘featured’ category do indeed show up on the home page slider.

    I haven’t tried adding any images yet, but you can see that slide 4 and 5 are my posts.

    I can change the code now that you have pointed it out to me… But that seems odd to do, since wordpress is meant to ‘manage’ the content. Again, I am unsure why this wasn’t in the readme (but it is a free theme so the creator can do whatever they wish!)

    Still waiting to hear back from the theme creator Tolu Sonaike.

    Thanks again ?? I will look at the PHP code closely and see what I can make of it.

    That’s a weird idea to display new posts in a slider, as it’s really uncomfortable to read them…
    But I guess you’ll have to modify the php code in feature-front.php to display only posts and no images, if you want to have your posts displayed and no images…

    Well, wordpress manages the content, but not the theme.
    The same content can be displayed in the million way, and the wordpress admin doesn’t manage that (yet).
    But to be honest, I haven’t found a theme so far where you don’t have to mess up with the code to achieve what you want.
    Some themes are coded in a more user-friendly way, this one isn’t.
    I suppose theme makers suppose wordpress users are familiar with html, css and php.

    Good luck with the code ! Come back if you need more help!

    @xroox: agothtale is right. My theme is a child theme and is a little too complex for a beginner to use.

    I think your best bet will be to customise “Twenty Ten” theme. There are too many layers of things to explain in my theme that probably wont make sense at first.

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