how to get custom terms & taxonomies
I need to get the list of data’s with taxonomy term property_category,based on this property_category having data’s like apartment,house,office etc.For example localhost url given but getting 403 error permission denied.
And also need to get the list of data’s with taxonomy term property_type_category,based on this property_type_category having data’s like rent,sale.
And also one more question while filtering the data’s with custom meta data’s also not working.And i’ve added this custom code for filtering the data’s.For example
custom function
add_filter('rest_query_vars', 'wp_rest_query_vars'); function wp_rest_query_vars($query_vars) { $query_vars = array_merge( $query_vars, array('meta_key', 'meta_value', 'meta_compare') ); return $query_vars; }
Filter query[meta_key]=property_bedrooms&filter[meta_value]=4&filter[meta_compare]=>=&filter[meta_key]=property_bathrooms&filter[meta_value]=4&filter[meta_compare]=>=
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