edit index.php of your theme
(‘dashboard – appearance – editor’ – then select index.php from the list on th right)
normally you would insert the comments after the post content; before the ‘endwhile;’ of the loop.
the exact position depends on your theme (what theme are you using?).
general guideline:
as your single posts will already show the comments, you can have a look into single.php of your theme, and try to find the line with comments_template();
in there;
then make a note of how this is arranged in relation to the endwhile;
of the loop;
and add the new code to the corresponding area in index.php:
$withcomments = 1; // force comments form and comments to show on front page
if you have problems, you could paste the code of index.php into a https://wordpress.pastebin.com/ and post the link to it here.