• Resolved nuriarai


    Hello, I need to get the capabilities created by groups plugin that are assigned to the author of the post (that is a user belonging to a group with custom capability).

    I’ve seen the class Groups_User_Capability, and then I thought that I could use the Read object of this class, but in the xx_groups_user_capability table there are no any rows, so, ?when did you add the user_id and capability_id relation inside it? ?How can I retrieve all the ggroups and all the capabilites related to a user?

    I know that I can do it wiht a custom select like this:

    “SELECT user_id, caps.group_id, caps.capability_id, capability FROM mom_groups_user_group as groups inner join mom_groups_group_capability as caps on groups.group_id = caps.group_id inner join mom_groups_capability as cap on caps.capability_id = cap.capability_id where user_id = $current_author_user_id order by user_id”

    But, I wonder that there is a better way to do this.

    Thanks in advance!


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