• I install multisite a couple days ago.

    One of the main reason why I wanted to install multisite is so that I can create a network of websites to look the same without having to go into each site to config/customize the theme. Is that possible?

    I want all my site to look like this: https://la-canada.com
    But, instead my subdomain is looking like this: https://sangabriel.la-canada.com

    I am using Suffusion theme.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    You have to either use a plugin to clone the site, or manually copy over all the settings between the two.

    I have been looking for an answer to this also. When I first set up WPMS and add a new site it defaults to Twenty Ten. I want all new sites to use the current theme from the main site and also share the widgets and plugins form the main site.

    I would like the users of the site to only be able to add content into the content area.

    define(‘WP_DEFAULT_THEME’, ‘theme-folder-name’);

    Changes the default theme.

    sets up a LOT of defaults (but not widgets).

    I would like the users of the site to only be able to add content into the content area.

    then don;t make them an admin, make them an Editor. this will disable access to backend menus you don;t want them in.


    function ds_new_user_meta($blog_id, $user_id) {
     add_user_to_blog($blog_id, $user_id, 'author' );
    add_action( 'wpmu_new_blog', 'ds_new_user_meta', 10, 2 );

    Thread Starter pooruncle


    Thanks for you response, ipstenu & Andrea_r.

    I tried install various plugin, including New Blog Default, Default Blog, and Site Creation Wiazard…and has not been successful duplicating my theme & theme setting (ie. color scheme, navigation, single column preference…etc.).

    Any other suggestion? I don’t really want to mess around with the database. Mainly, I don’t how to access my database, not to mention I haven’t found which file those theme setting is stored.

    Thanks in advance for you help.

    Thanks. I’m looking into where to put this code as soon as I have access to a computer and have time to access my server.

    I’m using a child theme and when the last change I made brought up a blank white screen as if there were no template at all.

    There’s a paid plugin that does exactly that.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    pooruncle, Blog Replicator does that, as I understand it.

    I just use the same theme and then manually tweak each site to look ‘right’ ??


    as Andrea said before, you can define your default theme sitewide,
    you can put define(‘WP_DEFAULT_THEME’, ‘theme-folder-name’);
    in your rootdir/wp-config.php

    And a blank white screen means a php error, please check your error logs.

    Thanks. I will check the logs.

    Too much tinkering so I deleted everything to start with a fresh install. I haven’t added define(‘WP_DEFAULT_THEME’, ‘theme-folder-name’); to the config.php file or added any sites yet.

    Could my php error be because I’m using a child theme and need to add more code somewhere else to reference the parent?

    Also it seems that when I added new sites, to the original install, by clicking on the register link the same as an end user would the user of the site isn’t assigned a role at all and seems to have super admin privileges.
    Is there a resource with a collection of all the code / hacks to set up things right?

    Is BuddyPress setup to control user privileges and to use the same theme on new blogs?

    BuddyPress does absolutely nothing in terms of setting up themes on new blogs.

    If you DELETED the default twenty ten theme, that’s why you’re getting a white screen. Out of the box, that theme is set for new blogs. If you don;t see it, something else is messed up.

    Is there a resource with a collection of all the code / hacks to set up things right?

    you don’t need to code or hack anything to get things set up right out of the box. Disable all the plugins.

    Buddypress does not need multsite to function properly. Buddypress does not control user blogs, it just displays the activity if you have multisite turned on. that’s it.

    If you started with a “fresh” install, that means no plugins, no extra themes – nothing. Do that. Create a site. Does it work? If yes, install buddypress.

    If no, report back here without tinkering with anything else.

    Thread Starter pooruncle


    I come to the conclusion that there is no easy solution to duplicate your primary theme setting, widgets, links, and plugin. In fact, the complexity and plugin compatible issues of using multisites actually defeat my purpose of ease of maintenance.

    When I get an XML error while attempt to import the blogroll links was enough to convince me not to pursue setting up my network of sites with multisites. Instead, I will install WP for each of my site.

    If you see a blank page in your new site, it simply mean you haven’t activated your theme. (Yes! you actually have to manually activate the theme for each of your new site). Just sign on to new site/wp-admin and activate your theme.

    Hope that helps.

    If you see a blank page in your new site, it simply mean you haven’t activated your theme. (Yes! you actually have to manually activate the theme for each of your new site).

    This is incorrect.

    there is no easy solution to duplicate your primary theme setting, widgets, links, and plugin.

    Sure there is – it’s just paid.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    If you see a blank page in your new site, it means you have a PHP error.

    And as for a way to duplicate, see my earlier post.

    OK… I think I have made some progress. After spending the morning modifying the files in the BuddyPress template pack to match my site template I have gotten a base install of to work close to the way I would expect.

    As for the blogs created by users I may not be looking for the right answer. It may not matter that the new blogs look like the main site if I modified my themes to contain the relevant links back to the main site. It probably wouldn’t hurt in that case to let users style their blog a little.

    Is there a list on someone’s site of the most common plugins for BuddyPress that would save myself time searching for them. Ie(Friends, logged in users, followers, etc)

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