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  • Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    thanks for your question.

    Very likely, you are refering to here, right?
    Now, as stated on the demo page, this functionality is not directly included in TablePress, but has been added in a custom fashion.

    However, a similar functionality is available via this Premium TablePress Extension:

    If you install that, and extend the Shortcode of the table to

    [table id=1 datatables_row_details=true datatables_row_details_columns="A" /]

    the content of the first cell of each row will be visible after a click on a “+” symbol only.
    If you change the Shortcode to

    [table id=1 datatables_row_details=true datatables_row_details_columns="A-C" /]

    you will see a similar behavior, except that the content of three columns is then taken as the “extra content”.


    Thread Starter gervaisjf


    Thank you, it works perfectly. Will be sure to make a donation once it is all setup and live. I didn’t see this extension listed on the extensions page, why not list it?

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    sure, no problem! You are very welcome!
    Great to hear that this helps! And thanks for wanting to donate, I really appreciate it!

    (That Extension is not yet on the list, as I haven’t yet found the time to describe and document it. Should be added there soon.)

    Best wishes,

    P.S.: In case you haven’t, please rate TablePress here in the plugin directory. Thanks!

    I just have one quick question to start: I do want the details of the pop-up to be aligned left and not right as it is now on How can I achieve this? Thanks in advance.

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    for some reason, I’m getting “500 Internal Server Error” messages when accessing that link. Do you experience that, too?
    Can you maybe check in the server log files, what’s causing this?


    Yes, I am getting the same error (unless I am logged in as an admin – then it works fine). I have no clue why and could not figure it out yet. Honestly, I also do not know exactly how/where to check the server log files. I guess I have to ask my hosting provider for help.

    In the meantime, please check this link: This one works (funny enough, since it is the same table just filtered for “handball-contacts” only).

    So what I want to achieve is that the details float left. You know what I mean?

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    ok, that’s weird. It could mean that the PHP Memory limit is reached. This can unfortunately happen with large tables.
    To find the exact cause, you could indeed check back with you webhost company, to get access to the log files.
    Additionally, you could try to increase the PHP Memory limit, by following the instructions at

    About the floating of the details: For that, just edit the two files datatables-row-details.css and datatables-row-details.min.css and remove the very last declaration

    .tablepress-row-details tbody tr .row-details-right {
    	float: right;

    from both files.


    Thanks! That works. Now I will try to figure out how to make the details bold which I should be able to do myself ??

    About the error: The PHP Memory limit is set to 256M from my provider. That should be more than enough, right? And isn’t it also weird that the table shows up without any problems while I am logged in but there’s an error for non-logged-in visitors?

    Anyways, I just disabled my caching plugin (name: cachify) and now I do not get an error anymore. So this was probably the problem.

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    to make them bold, you would basically re-add

    .tablepress-row-details tbody tr .row-details-right {
    	font-weight: bold;

    Yes, 256M should be enough, except, if you have several very large tables, and many other big plugins on the page. Just for a test, you could increase it to 512M.

    I’m not sure how Cachify could figure into this, as I’m using that plugin myself. My assumption is that the caching process is reaching the memory limit. That would explain why you are not seeing the error when you are logged-in: You don’t see the cached version of the page in that case.


    Everything you say makes a lot of sense. I just increased the PHP limit to 512M and re-activated cachify. But I still get this annoying error. Any other PHP values I should adjust (like max post size or whatever)? I could easily do it since I do have access to the PHP-settings of my host. Oh, I do not have to adjust anything in wp-config.php or somewhere else after I increase the PHP limit in Virtualmin, right?

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    unfortunately, I’m not aware of other PHP settings that could be influencing this. However, additionally to increasing the limit in Virtualmin, please change that WP_MEMORY_LIMIT constant, as described in that link.

    If that also does not help, I recommend to contact your webhost company to find the exact error in the error logs. Maybe it’s not the memory limit after all.


    Hi Tobias

    Okay, I added define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M');to the end of the wp-config.php file. Still got the error and so I removed the entry again.

    BUT I found a different solution: I just excluded the Page ID from cahing in the settings of cachify. That solved it. This is fine with me since I do not need those pages to be cached really anyways.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    all right, sounds great! If you don’t need caching on that page, this is indeed a good idea.

    Best wishes,

    P.S.: In case you haven’t, please rate TablePress here in the plugin directory. Thanks!

    Thread Starter gervaisjf


    Hi Tobias,

    I’m really loving this plugin and it is working well. Thank you for creating it and as it looks like we are going ahead with it, we’ll donate.

    I have two more questions about the expanding extension :

    1) Would it be possible that if a particular row has no content to expand (no data in the column which is shown when expanded) then the + icon would not appear at the beginning of that row. In other words, I would love the ability to have some rows expandable and others not (and those that don’t wouldn’t display the +)

    2) If I would want to make the text of a particular column clickable and achieve the same result as when clicking on the +, would it be possible? The table in development is here and I would like the names of the first column to be clickable to expand…

    Thanks for any help, much appreciated!

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    good questions…

    1) It might be possible to do this with an extra check on whether there is content in that cell.

    2) That should also be possible, but would require modifications in the JS files.

    Now, unfortunately, these necessary changes and modifications are bigger than what I can offer as free support right now, as I’m very busy and on a tight schedule. If you really need this, we would therefore have to discuss this on a more professional basis. If that would be an option for you, please send me an email (the address is in the main plugin file “tablepress.php”).


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