Hi Chanzero.
It’s doubtful that you’re still looking for a solution to this issue, but since someone else might, here is how I solved it for the Audio Player plugin.
NOTE: this is in no way considered an ideal or elegant solution and requires the editing of the plugin’s code (which I personally do not like having to do); but in the absence of other options it, at least, works.
STEP 1 – Editing the Audio Player Plugin File
On (or around) line 142 of audio-player.php, I edited the line that read:
add_action("wp_head", array(&$this, "addHeaderCode"));
by adding a “//” (effectively “commenting out” the line) to result in
// add_action("wp_head", array(&$this, "addHeaderCode"));
This removes the code that the Audio Player plugin inserts in the head of every WordPress page.
STEP 2 – Adding the required Audio Player Code to Specific Pages
To make the audio player work on the pages you require, you need to add back in the required code to the head of those specific pages.
As such, I used an IF/ELSE statement in the header.php file of my active theme as follows:
if (is_page('###')) {
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.YOURDOMAIN.org/wp-content/plugins/audio-player/assets/audio-player.js?ver="></script>
<script type="text/javascript">AudioPlayer.setup("https://www.YOURDOMAIN.org/wp-content/plugins/audio-player/assets/player.swf?ver=", {width:"290",animation:"yes",encode:"yes",initialvolume:"60",remaining:"no",noinfo:"no",buffer:"5",checkpolicy:"no",rtl:"no",bg:"e6eef2",text:"333333",leftbg:"d4d4d4",lefticon:"333333",volslider:"666666",voltrack:"FFFFFF",rightbg:"c7c7c7",rightbghover:"999999",righticon:"333333",righticonhover:"FFFFFF",track:"FFFFFF",loader:"009900",border:"CCCCCC",tracker:"DDDDDD",skip:"666666",pagebg:"FFFFFF",transparentpagebg:"yes"});</script>';
} else {}
Naturally the “###” should be replaced with the page number on which you want this code to appear and the “YOURDOMAIN” needs to be replaced with your specific domain name.
Also note that this method hard-codes the styling of the player into the header.php file (rather than making it nicely editable through the administration area). Like I said, not an ideal solution – but it works in an emergency.
Hope this helps someone!