Hi Lee,
I think it’s best to continue solving twitter card meta issue in this thread.
Finally found some time to analyze your previous posts and to examine again source code of your website.
First, theory – according to all my knowledge (maybe somebody will correct me ?? WP is PhP dynamically driven, i.e. it generates HTML on the fly from theme and it’s PhP files (OK, some CSS + jQuery, JavaScript, but not important in this case). Your header.php (you listed it somewhere) is absolutely normal and so are the rest of Hueman theme files (if you used child theme or some Custom CSS plugin for modifications).
What causes problem is some plugin that creates that additional code, and your approach “how to edit page source” by PhP is wrong – the point is to find out which plugin is causing issue.
-I examined (used Chrome, but not important) your main page (and few others) HTML and I cannot find lines like
<meta name=”twitter:card” content=”summary_large_image”/>
<meta name=”twitter:site” content=”@autohelp007”/>
<meta name=”twitter:domain” content=”Auto Repair Help.US”/>
<meta name=”twitter:creator” content=”@autohelp007”/>
that I see in your snapshot from GDrive image you attached.
So, first question:
-exact page of your website where you took that snapshot (eventually, what tool you used examining the source HTML)???
For now, it is basic question, further we can analyze plugins you have – even deactivated plugins can cause issue.
You can also check following:
Best practice is to deactivate and delete plugins you don’t need (deactivated plugins can also slow down WP website, among else).
Checking sub folders in “\wp-content\plugins\” via FTP (or File manager from your host)is also not bad idea,since poor written
plugins sometimes don’t removes physically, even after they are deleted from WP admin panel.
You are using WP SEO by Yoast, as I understand – I use it for a long time on all my websites, excellent plugin – you can be sure that it’s not “guilty one”.
That’s it for now, please provide some info mentioned above, so we can continue.