Hi @trimastir, thanks for reaching WCMp Support!!
Our replies are inline :
1. i need to know once the customer booked the order, how the vendor edit the product price for the ordered product. After customer placing the vendor, vendor need to change the price in ordered product, also the notification mail sent customer, vendor and admin mail.
>> Let us help you out with the flow, WC Marketplace follows:
when a customer places the order, we check the product price under the order number. Then calculate the commission as per that.
Now, if you change the product price, the product’s price for the order will not be changed, so admin needs to edit the price inside the order.
As this is a multivendor site, hence one order can have product from many vendors. So, only admin can change the price of the product under an order, but that will be by editing the order details, like this: https://www.useloom.com/share/ca11f0cd22d3402fa99e499b9b63041d
However, currently, vendor can not edit the order.
2. after vendor upload the product it will not be published, once the admin approves the product then only it will publish
>> Sure, for this just disable the “Publish Products” option via WCMp >> Settings >> Capability. See this screenshot : https://prnt.sc/kjg252
Let us know if you have any further query.