• Resolved wesmed


    Hello, I am currently using Ultimate Member for managing two user types. I have set up two separate user profile forms, each containing ~15 custom questions/fields. I have added the custom fields to each member directory, but on the front end of the site, the dropdown filters are displayed horizontally, and I would like for them to be displayed vertically- like a sidebar.

    Because each member directory has so many filters, they span across the screen to the point where they are cut off on the right side of the page and are no longer visible. I think this is a CSS issue?? How do I adjust the filters so that they are displayed vertically on the side of the page (like most websites)?

    NOTE: I am very new to websites and still learning (a lot!), so breaking it down would be GREATLY appreciated.

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  • @wesmed

    Try to add the field’s meta-key for testing the content.
    This will give you the key name after each field.

    Modify the line 99 to:

    <code>user['<?php echo $key; ?>']</code><?php echo ' Key=' . $key; ?>

    Thread Starter wesmed



    Like this?

    <# if ( typeof user['<?php echo $key; ?>'] !== 'undefined' ) { #>
         <div class="um-member-tagline um-member-tagline-<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>"
              data-key="<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>">
             user['<?php echo $key; ?>']</code><?php echo ' LO_acre=' . $key; ?>
    	  <?php if( $key == 'LO_acre' ) echo 'Acreage: '; ?>
                    user['<?php echo $key; ?>']
    <# } #>
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by wesmed.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by wesmed.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by wesmed.


    <# if ( typeof user['<?php echo $key; ?>'] !== 'undefined' ) { #>
    	<div class="um-member-tagline um-member-tagline-<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>"
    			data-key="<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>">
    			<?php if( $key == 'LO_acre' ) echo 'Acreage: '; ?><code>user['<?php echo $key; ?>']</code><?php echo ' Key=' . $key; ?>
    <# } #>
    Thread Starter wesmed



    Sorry, I can’t get the code block to format correctly. This may make more sense:

    line99 user['<strong><?php</strong> echo $key; <strong>?></strong>'] <?php echo ‘ LO_acre=’ . $key; ?>

    line100 <?php if( $key == ‘LO_acre’ ) echo ‘Acreage: ‘; ?>

    line101 user['<strong><?php</strong> echo $key; <strong>?></strong>']

    Thread Starter wesmed



    I see that UM has resolved the template override paths with version 2.6.4; however, I am still unable to get the modified members-grid.php template to reflect the profile tagline labels with the code provided most recently on this thread. Does the newest UM version require a different approach from the what’s been discussed above? Thank you!!


    You can try to use this members-grid.php which I have tested with UM version 2.6.7.
    Update the nextkey1, nextkey2 to their real meta-key names and update their Custom texts. You will find these lines at 99,100 in this template:

     * Template for the members directory grid
     * This template can be overridden by copying it to yourtheme/ultimate-member/members-grid.php
     * Page: "Members"
     * @version 2.6.1
     * @var array  $args
     * @var bool   $cover_photos
     * @var bool   $profile_photo
     * @var bool   $show_name
     * @var bool   $show_tagline
     * @var bool   $show_userinfo
     * @var bool   $userinfo_animate
     * @var bool   $show_social
     * @var array  $reveal_fields
     * @var string $no_users
    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    $unique_hash = substr( md5( $args['form_id'] ), 10, 5 ); ?>
    <script type="text/template" id="tmpl-um-member-grid-<?php echo esc_attr( $unique_hash ) ?>">
    	<div class="um-members um-members-grid">
    		<div class="um-gutter-sizer"></div>
    		<# if ( data.length > 0 ) { #>
    			<# _.each( data, function( user, key, list ) { #>
    				<div id="um-member-<code>user.card_anchor</code>-<?php echo esc_attr( $unique_hash ) ?>" class="um-member um-role-<code>user.role</code> <code>user.account_status</code> <?php if ( $cover_photos ) { echo 'with-cover'; } ?>">
    					<span class="um-member-status <code>user.account_status</code>">
    					<?php if ( $cover_photos ) { ?>
    						<div class="um-member-cover" data-ratio="<?php echo esc_attr( UM()->options()->get( 'profile_cover_ratio' ) ); ?>">
    							<div class="um-member-cover-e">
    								<a href="<code>user.profile_url</code>" title="<# if ( user.display_name ) { #><code>user.display_name</code><# } #>">
    					<?php }
    					if ( $profile_photo ) { ?>
    						<div class="um-member-photo radius-<?php echo esc_attr( UM()->options()->get( 'profile_photocorner' ) ); ?>">
    							<a href="<code>user.profile_url</code>" title="<# if ( user.display_name ) { #><code>user.display_name</code><# } #>">
    								<?php do_action( 'um_members_in_profile_photo_tmpl', $args ); ?>
    					<?php } ?>
    					<div class="um-member-card <?php if ( ! $profile_photo ) { echo 'no-photo'; } ?>">
    						<?php if ( $show_name ) { ?>
    							<# if ( user.display_name_html ) { #>
    								<div class="um-member-name">
    									<a href="<code>user.profile_url</code>" title="<code>user.display_name</code>">
    							<# } #>
    						<?php }
    						// please use for buttons priority > 100
    						do_action( 'um_members_just_after_name_tmpl', $args ); ?>
    						<# if ( user.can_edit ) { #>
    							<div class="um-members-edit-btn">
    								<a href="<code>user.edit_profile_url</code>" class="um-edit-profile-btn um-button um-alt">
    									<?php _e( 'Edit profile','ultimate-member' ) ?>
    						<# } #>
    						<?php do_action( 'um_members_after_user_name_tmpl', $args ); ?>
    						<?php if ( $show_tagline && ! empty( $tagline_fields ) && is_array( $tagline_fields ) ) {
    							foreach ( $tagline_fields as $key ) {
    								if ( empty( $key ) ) {
    								} ?>
    								<# if ( typeof user['<?php echo $key; ?>'] !== 'undefined' ) { #>
    									<div class="um-member-tagline um-member-tagline-<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>"
    									     data-key="<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>">
    										<?php if( $key == 'multi__key' ) echo 'Desired Land Type: '; 
    										      if( $key == 'nextkey1' ) echo 'nextkey1 Custom text: ';
    										      if( $key == 'nextkey2' ) echo 'nextkey2 Custom text: ';
    										<code>user['<?php echo $key; ?>']</code>
    								<# } #>
    							<?php }
    						if ( $show_userinfo ) { ?>
    							<# var $show_block = false; #>
    							<?php foreach ( $reveal_fields as $k => $key ) {
    								if ( empty( $key ) ) {
    									unset( $reveal_fields[ $k ] );
    								} ?>
    								<# if ( typeof user['<?php echo $key; ?>'] !== 'undefined' ) {
    									$show_block = true;
    								} #>
    							<?php }
    							if ( $show_social ) { ?>
    								<# if ( ! $show_block ) { #>
    									<# $show_block = user.social_urls #>
    								<# } #>
    							<?php } ?>
    							<# if ( $show_block ) { #>
    								<div class="um-member-meta-main">
    									<?php if ( $userinfo_animate ) { ?>
    										<div class="um-member-more">
    											<a href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="um-faicon-angle-down"></i></a>
    									<?php } ?>
    									<div class="um-member-meta <?php if ( ! $userinfo_animate ) { echo 'no-animate'; } ?>">
    										<?php foreach ( $reveal_fields as $key ) { ?>
    											<# if ( typeof user['<?php echo $key; ?>'] !== 'undefined' ) { #>
    												<div class="um-member-metaline um-member-metaline-<?php echo $key; ?>">
    													<strong><code>user['label_<?php echo $key;?>']</code>:</strong> <code>user['<?php echo $key;?>']</code>
    											<# } #>
    										<?php }
    										if ( $show_social ) { ?>
    											<div class="um-member-connect">
    										<?php } ?>
    									<?php if ( $userinfo_animate ) { ?>
    										<div class="um-member-less">
    											<a href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="um-faicon-angle-up"></i></a>
    									<?php } ?>
    							<# } #>
    						<?php } ?>
    			<# }); #>
    		<# } else { #>
    			<div class="um-members-none">
    				<p><?php echo $no_users; ?></p>
    		<# } #>
    		<div class="um-clear"></div>
    Thread Starter wesmed



    With all of your help and guidance I was able to successfully modify the labels of the directory filters. I really appreciate your patience/persistence with helping me resolve this!

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