I’ve just solved the problem from this post:
My godaddy hosting server is the cheapest USD1/month package with Cpanel hosting.
1. After you have upload installer.php and the archived.zip into your new godaddy server, extracted the Zipped into same folder as the installer.php (for the step later we use MANUAL SETTING in Duplicator installer).
1a. Setup a new Mysql datebase, copy the datebase name, user & password.
2. According to above post, we go to Cpanel/Datebase/Phpmyadmin, open “+” in your new database, 2nd tab “SQL”, type this line:
SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = ‘hostname’
and press GO than you can see your mysql database real server located name (something like this: sgXXXXXXXXX.prod.sin2.secureserver.net).
3. Start https://yoursite.com/installer.php
4. On the top, don’t use LOCALHOST, use your mysql server name.
5. Type your database name, user & password.
6. Selected ADVANCED and Manual XXX (sorry I’ve deleted the installer.php and forget this step). Deploy.
7. Than it will just to a Manual Setting Page (1. Deploy, 2. Update, 3.Test).
8. Remember to set the host into your very long real server name (not LOCALHOST). And your server name, user & password again. Than run deploy.
9. Than it will just to 2.update, update detail must be correct, your new domain, path title.
10. than [3. test site] jump up, press option [2. Save Permalinks], it will open to your wordpress site!! Finished.
Hopefully you are lucky as me (which I’ve tried for 2 days).
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.