• cwrichardson



    What is the preferred/correct way to do domain mapping on 4.4 multisite subdirectory installs?

    Until recently, we had been using the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin; however, per this comment from the plugin author, it appears that should no longer be necessary.

    However, doing as he simply suggested (remove domain mapping, remove the plugin, edit the URL to be the subsites) does not seem to work.

    I suspect some problem either with .htaccess rewrite rules, or with sunrise.php (the release notes indicate something might need to be done with “custom” sunrise.php files; however, AFAICT, there is no non-custom version). But can’t seem to find any documentation more recent than 3.x … which all says to go back and use the plugin, obviously ??

    So, back to the original question, what’s The Right Way to do this in 4.4?

    Probably completely irrelevant backstory on how we got to the question. We had been running 4.3.1. Upgrading if for no other reason than security seemed a reasonable idea. However, the upgrade went poorly. The main site upgraded fine, but network upgrades of the sub-sites failed from the very first one. And, for additional ones (i.e., those beyond the first, failed upgrade, which presumably hadn’t tried to be upgraded yet), there were mysterious messages about login problems. So, we set about googling on both of those problems, and got to “maybe we don’t need the plugin anymore, and maybe it’s causing the problems”. Turns out, probably wasn’t the plugins problem, as the network upgrades still fail; nevertheless …


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  • susanwrotethis


    Hi Chris, if MU Domain Mapping has been working for you otherwise, it’s not necessarily wrong/bad and in need of immediate replacement. It’s true that domain mapping is gradually evolving. Multisite itself is continuing to evolve, and the documentation the evolution is very thin indeed.

    During a discussion of multisites a few months back I heard this recommended as an alternative to MU Domain Mapping: https://github.com/humanmade/Mercator. You may want to check it out.

    The sysadmin I work with played with it a bit and concluded that we weren’t ready to make the move ourselves, but we plan to revisit the issue every half-year or so to determine when we feel ready to make changes.

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