• Hi…
    For some reason every time I post an article the full text of the article goes to the front page. I would like to have a summary or a short description of the article in the front page and them if some one clicks on it redirects the visitor to the full extent of the article.

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  • there is at least one plugin or hack for this that i have seen on somebody’s site. . i forget what the plugin is called – do a search here or in the wiki, i’m sure you’ll find it. hth

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I checked in the plugin section and after reading the descriptions i did not find anything realated.. Now about the Hack section, I went there and my understanding from the information in that page is that those modifications are for previous versions (1.2) of wordpress.
    Am i right?

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Wow.. WP Rocks.!!
    Thanks Beel!

    And thanks to Zadu too! ??

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