• hello people !

    i’m new in using wp (means i do not know much about code etc). i want to have some space between a text and a picture.
    how can i have more that just a single line ? i insert<br/> where i wanted more space but nothing happened.
    sorry for this stupid question but i need an answser !!!
    thanks !

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  • If you consistently want space around photographs and images, see Using Images. If you just want to make a line break, use
    . You have NO control over the height of the line or spacing. But for the rare and occassional use, this will help, sorta, kinda, and it depends. Go for the first solution is you want this to be consistent.

    Thread Starter amelieberlin


    thank you lorelle for your advices. programming bigger space around images is the good solution. but what should i use for the line break ? what you wrote can not be seen !
    hope you will come back and give the answer again !

    What they meant to say:

    If you just want to make a line break, use <br />. You have NO control over the height of the line or spacing. But for the rare and occassional use, this will help, sorta, kinda, and it depends. Go for the first solution is you want this to be consistent.

    Thread Starter amelieberlin


    when i use (br /) i do not find it does much. if i want 2 line break, i put 2 “br” but on my post i have only one line break !

    maybe there is something i’m missing about those”br” ?
    how one should use and write them ?
    can you tell me more ?

    Put an image inside a post, then post back here telling us what exactly you would like. We can then give you the exact css ??

    Thread Starter amelieberlin


    ok super. i do it right away.

    Thread Starter amelieberlin


    for example, on this page :


    i want more space between the second line and the third one, the quote and the image.

    second question : how can change the style.css for that all images have more space around (above and below) ? i have looked “wrapping around images” but could not really find something.

    1) ?? travers des mini-reportages toute la pr??paration n??cessaire ?? une importante foire, la fiac !
    2) ?? partir du 4 octobre le quotidien da€?un exposant

    You mean more space between them ? If so:

    <li>?? travers des mini-reportages toute la pr??paration n??cessaire ?? une importante foire, la fiac !</li>
    <li>?? partir du 4 octobre le quotidien da€?un exposant>/li>

    is the way to do it, then we can use css.

    The image:
    Put this at the bottom of your css:
    .entrytext p img {
    border:2px #00ff00 solid ;
    margin: 50px auto;

    The first line does the green border (change to any colour or just don’t use.
    The margin line will make a gap of 50px above and below and the ‘auto’ will centre it.

    That help ?

    Thread Starter amelieberlin


    thank podz.
    i wrote .entryext… in my style.css sheet. but nothing changed ! i try again.

    Thread Starter amelieberlin


    hallo podz

    yes it works. but actually i figured out that i don’t want space above and below for all the pictures. so it does not suit me. (for align pictures, it makes it not nice, the wrapping text does not start at the same level as the picture).

    thanks anyway. i learned something !

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