Thanks for your question. If you know the “specific category” you want to select the answer is straightforward.
You can find information on selecting items by taxonomy terms in the ‘Simple Taxonomy Parameters, “tax_operator”‘ section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab. For example, if your term is something like “The Att Category”, your [mla_gallery]
shortcode can be changed to:
[mla_gallery post_mime_type=application/pdf attachment_category=the-att-category size=icon link=file mla_target=_blank mla_viewer=true]
Note that the shortcode uses the “slug” value for the term you want. You can find the slug value from the Media/Att. Category submenu table. The taxonomy slug, attachment_category
, is used as well.
I hope that gets you started on filtering your [mla_gallery]
by taxonomy terms. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions on the topic. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.