• Resolved Hirokazu


    I wanna display results by ‘.display_rating_result().’ style in loop

    now I can see “No ratings yet” for every loop with this writing. (even if I rate)

    function get_products_html_grid($post_array=array()){
      global $mp;
      //get image width
      if ($mp->get_setting('list_img_size') == 'custom'){
        $width = $mp->get_setting('list_img_width');
      } else {
        $size = $mp->get_setting('list_img_size');
        $width = get_option($size."_size_w");
      $inline_style = !( $mp->get_setting('store_theme') == 'none' || current_theme_supports('mp_style') );
      foreach ($post_array as $post) {
        $img = mp_product_image(false, 'list', $post->ID);
        $excerpt = $mp->get_setting('show_excerpt') ?
                          '' :
        $mp_product_list_content = apply_filters( 'mp_product_list_content', $excerpt, $post->ID );
        $class[] = strlen($img)>0?'mp_thumbnail':'';
        $class[] = strlen($excerpt)>0?'mp_excerpt':'';
        $class[] = mp_has_variations($post->ID) ? 'mp_price_variations':'';
        $html .= '<li class=" '.implode($class, ' ').'">
    					<div class="caption">
    					<div class="inner">
                        <h3 class="mp_product_name title">
                          ' . $post->post_title . '
                      <p class="price">
                        '.mp_product_price(false, $post->ID).'
                        '.apply_filters( 'mp_product_list_meta', '', $post->ID ).'

    I need your help!


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  • I use something like this, as part of the loop.php (and with posts enabled in the plugin settings)

    <!–ADDED to show current rating–>
    <span><?php echo do_shortcode(‘[displayRatingResult post_id=’ . $page->ID. ‘]’); ?></br></span>

    Works fine

    Plugin Author dpowney


    Excellent! Marking support topic closed.

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