• I’d like to show on my AMP homepage recent posts only from a selected category (as on my non-AMP homepage).
    I’ve also tried the new AMP Page Builder but I don’t get any result/link from the choosen category, just a blank page with the title, and not even the title if in Sttings > General I select this page as a Custom Front Page.
    Can you suggest me a solution/workaround?

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  • Thread Starter tropauer


    I found a workaround with the AMP Page Builder method. However it seems that the AMP Page Builder still has some strange behavior.

    If you publish something (anything, even a non breaking space) also in the Custom AMP Editor section below the AMP Page Builder section the Category published in the AMP Page Builder will show up correctly.
    Strangely what you publish in the Custom AMP Editor section will not show up on the page, but fortunately what you publish in the AMP Page Buider section will show up correctly.

    The present AMP Page Builder is still very new and probably this problem will be resolved with a new version of this wonderful plugin.

    I’m still interested in alternative solutions, and it would be nice to have a solution where the published items of the selected Category have the same formatting of Recent Posts.

    Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi


    Hi @tropauer
    Have you tried the Category module of the AMP Page Builder? https://take.ms/uhJqU

    I suppose you did by reading your message, but I’m also confused a bit by your message, because it doesn’t clearly say what is the problem that you are facing?

    So, you just have to drag and drop that module and make sure the “Enable Page Builder” is checked, that should work perfectly.

    Do let me know what problem you are facing and a screenshot would help. So we can understand and help you fix this.

    Thread Starter tropauer


    Hi Ahmed,

    I confirm that I’ve used the Category module exactly as you describe.

    However it’s working only if I publish something also in the Custom AMP Editor (and Use this Content as AMP Content is checked).

    After discovering that publishing something also in the Custom AMP Editor the Category module in the AMP Page Builder works it’s not a big problem for me. However there might be a bug and others may face the same problem.

    My additional (not big) problem is about styling. I’d like to have the Recent Posts styling (Design Two) also for the Category module content styling that now is different.

    My website is password protected because it’s in development, but if you want I can grant you access to look into the problem.

    Thank you for your attention and the wonderful extension!

    Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi



    I guess you are already conversing with one of my team mates over the email.

    Thread Starter tropauer


    Yes Ahmed, I confirm.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter tropauer


    I’ve granted admin access to the team and I’ve see a few logins by them, but then no more logins, no feedback and no reply to my e-mail reporting additional and more serious problems too.

    Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi


    Hi @tropauer

    We’re trying to help 100’s of users, so please give us some time as we resolve this issue.


    Thread Starter tropauer


    Hi Ahmed,

    I was not expecting priority support, just a sign/reply.


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