How to display posts of specific subcategory in WordPress
I created custom taxonomy called Products. It has three terms (categories): Furniture, Gift, Food. Each term has it’s own children (subcategories). And I need to get a posts titles, who are in the specific subcategory.
I have a code, which displays specific category (which term_id is 3) subcategories titles:
<?php $termID = 3 $taxonomyName = "products"; $termchildren = get_term_children( $termID, $taxonomyName ); foreach ($termchildren as $child) { $term = get_term_by( 'id', $child, $taxonomyName ); echo'<p class="menu_head"><a href="#">'.$term->name.'</a></p> <div class="menu_body"> <a href="#">Link-1</a> <a href="#">Link-2</a> <a href="#">Link-3</a> </div>'; }?>
And I need to get posts, who are in that subcategories, titles in
<div class="menu_body"></div
> instead of “Link-1”, “Link-2”, “Link-3”.
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