• Hi folks!

    I noticed a lot of people asking for a simple profile page for every user, so I’m trying to make a plugin. It will be easy using get_author_meta or simple SQL queries, but I literally just learned PHP today. So forgive me if this is a stupid question:

    The script output (the profile) should appear in any theme’s main content area (where the loop, page content or search results display). How do I make the plugin script display there? I want to be able to link to a URL (maybe https://example.com/profile/user/3, for example), which would automatically run examplePlugin.php and display that script’s output in the theme’s main content area.

    I read all the codex documentation about creating plugins, but couldn’t figure this out. Should be using hooks somehow?

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  • Typically you would have a user put a shortcode in a post’s content, or put a template tag (call to your function) in their theme’s index.php (or whatever Template makes sense) to display that.

    Thread Starter jlm99


    Thanks MichaelH — Yeah, I don’t want to use shortcode because I want these profile pages to be their own unique page (not a post nor an actual page — many users don’t even have their own blog!). And actually none of the plugins I’ve found in the directory do what I’m talking about other than BuddyPress, but I want something far far simpler than BP.

    I’ll look into a template tag for theme’s index.php … but it would make the plugin much nicer for other folks if there’s a way to make this happen without hacking a theme file (like with hooks?). I feel like somebody who understands how the index page and/or permalinks work could point me in the right direction?

    For example, in many themes it seems that the URLs example.com/tag/tag-name/ and example.com/search/search+terms will both populate the main content area with the results of their particular scripts. Am I even headed in the right direction?

    Don’t know if that will work, but maybe someone will come along who can address that…

    And don’t forget to look at how other “profile” type plugins handle that.

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