Thanks for your comment, but on WP 3.9 with External Links 1.51 it does not seem to work correctly.
With this function:
<br />
// Place image for open in new window in-line<br />
function custom_external_link($created_link, $original_link, $label, $attrs = array()) {<br />
// add image to label<br />
$label_with_img = $label .'<img src="" style="padding: 10px 5px 0px 5px;" />';</p>
<p> // replace label with label and image<br />
return str_replace($label, $label_with_img, $created_link);<br />
}<br />
add_filter('wpel_external_link', 'custom_external_link', 10, 4);<br />
I get the following source HTML inserted into the pages:
<br />
<p>This is an external link:<br />
<a>" rel="external nofollow" class="ext-link" target="_blank"><br />
<img style="padding: 10px 5px 0px 5px;" src=""><br />
</a><br />
The formatted text looks like:
<br />
This is an external link " rel="external nofollow" class="ext-link" target="_blank"> [link image here]<br />
In other words, the plugin tries to combine both ways, it seems. And this is with disabling the image option in the plugin settings, since it otherwise would give two images.